2023 John V. Breakwell Award
2023 John V. Breakwell Award
Author: | Kenshiro Oguri |
Event Date: | August 15, 2023 |
Ph.D. student Yanis Sidhoum received John V. Breakwell Award
Ph.D. student Yanis Sidhoum received John V. Breakwell Award at 2023 Astrodynamics Specialist Conference hosted by American Astronautical Society (AAS) and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
He received the award for his paper entitled "Low-thrust Trajectory Optimization For Enceladus Exploration Using Indirect Forward-backward Shooting."
Details about the award can be found at https://www.space-flight.org/docs/Breakwell/Breakwell_award.html.
Congratulations Yanis!