Congratulations Dr. Awad!

Congratulations Dr. Awad!

Author: Kenshiro Oguri
Event Date: April 6, 2023
Omar Awad successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation in April 2023!


A Ph.D. student Omar Awad successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation in April 2023! Congratulations Dr. Awad!

His dissertation title is "An Autonomous Small Satellite Navigation System for Earth, Cislunar Space, and Beyond," which investigates an autonomous navigation architecture that utilizes the relative orbital dynamics as the observables to estimate the absolute orbital state of two satellites in formation wihout relying on ground communications or GNSS. Omar started his Ph.D. in 2020 at Purdue after his MS from the University of South Florida and have been advised by Prof. Oguri since August 2022. The Ph.D. thesis can be accessed here.