Our People

Principal Investigator

Brandon Pitts
Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering

Graduate Students

Alexander Clark
M.S.I.E. Student (non-thesis)
I graduated with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering in May 2023, and I am an M.S. Non-Thesis student at Purdue University. I am originally from Fairfax, VA, and received my undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University in May 2023. My research focus is human cognition and human-system interactions. I am interested in working with autonomous vehicles and medical devices with the hope of improving the quality of interaction experienced by the user. My future goals are to end up in industry or research working towards improving the ability of individuals with uncommon problems to interact with common systems.
I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Industrial Engineering. I am originally from South Korea. I received Bachelor's and Master's degree in South Korea, with an automotive engineering background. During my master's, I focused my research on driver's behavior, emotion, and information processing. I hope to deeply understand human drivers and provide service to make them safe and satisfactory in a driving context. After graduation, I want to experience industry and change to academia to contribute to making great students and conducting research. Personal Website
Gen Li
Ph.D. Student
I am a Ph.D. student in the school of industrial engineering. I am originally from Beijing, China. My research focuses on identifying older adults' use of crystallized intelligence while operating autonomous vehicles, and developing a model to predict their interaction with the vehicle and provide real time feedback to maximize safety and performance.
I am a PhD Candidate in the School of Industrial Engineering. I was raised in Meridian, MS. My current research projects are in the field of cognitive engineering and focus on human-AI teaming within complex environments. My projects investigate various human behavioral factors that influence and impact the way(s) humans interact with complex (autonomous) systems. My future goals are to pursue the application of this research in industry or government immediately after graduation and eventually transition into a faculty position at a top university.
James Parkinson
Ph.D. Candidate
GRIS 324-C
I graduated from Purdue University’s School of Industrial Engineering with my BSIE in 2016. I was accepted into the PhD. program that same year. I am co-advised by Dr. Steven J. Landry (PennState) and Dr. Brandon Pitts. My thesis research is focused on modeling human response performance to vibrotactile alerts. For my assistantship, I work for the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) at Purdue to provide 40 hours of free engineering consulting services to small-to-medium-sized businesses in Indiana.
Micah Wilson George
M.S.I.E. Student (thesis)
I am an MS Thesis student from India in the School of Industrial Engineering focusing on Human Factors and Ergonomics. I am really interested in automobile safety, and I would like make research contributions that would enhance the safety of driving and make it more accessible to the older populations as well.
Jing Zang
Ph.D. Student
GRIS 204-M
I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Industrial Engineering department. I am from Shenzhen, China, and Luoyang, China is my hometown. My research interest lies in enhancing the safety and user experience of automated vehicles. I am passionate about exploring these fascinating topics and making a meaningful contribution to the field in my graduate study.

Undergraduate Students

Duong Diep
Undergraduate Research Assistant
My name is Duong "Kenny" Diep and I am currently a senior in Industrial Engineering with a minor in Management at Purdue. I'm originally from Saigon, Vietnam and my interests revolve around the impact of human factors within the domain of production/manufacturing and operational systems. I started at NHanCE lab in the Spring of 2022, and have been assisting a Ph.D. candidate with his research thesis since. I have had experience in several sectors such as industrial appliances, mechanical tools, and commercial vehicle maintenance/manufacturing and I also plan on exploring other fields professionally after graduation.
Shang-Hsuan (Sean) Lee
Undergraduate Programmer
I am a graduating senior majoring in Computer Engineering and I'm going to keep pursuing a Master's degree here in Purdue University. I am from Taipei, Taiwan. I currently work as an undergraduate programmer in the NHanCE lab. My job is to use machine learning and computer vision to support the research on the effects of vehicle automation on driving behavior and cognitive workload.
Fah Yen
Undergraduate Researcher
I am a Sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering. My research interest primarily lies in the development of accurate and power-efficient machine-learning models and frameworks. I am thrilled to explore their various applications in both research and industry. My goal is to combine my expertise in machine learning with my hardware system design knowledge to tackle pressing, complex, real-world challenges.


Shree graduated from Purdue with a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering in Summer 2022. She is now a Human Factors Engineer at Boeing.
Gaojian Huang
Assistant Professor at SJSU
Gaojian Huang is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering, San Jose State University Personal Website
Dhairya graduated from Purdue with an M.S. in Industrial Engineering in Spring 2020. She is now at Amazon Web Services.
Collin Li
Undergraduate Programmer
Collin graduated from Purdue in May 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in computer science. He is currently a software engineer at Paylocity in Seattle, WA.
Nade Liang
Ph.D. Candidate
I will start my new position as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial, Manufacturing & Systems Engineering, Texas Tech University in Fall 2024. I am originally from Shanghai, China. My research focuses on the effects of vehicle automation on driving behavior and cognitive workload, and methods that may help to mitigate potential roadway safety risks. Upon graduation, I hope to work in academia or a research division in the industry to develop safer and more efficient transportation systems. Personal Website
Yuyuan Liu
MSIE (non-thesis)
Deo Kishor Mayur
Mayur received an M.S. in Industrial Engineering in Spring 2021. He is currently a Data Scientist at John Deere.
Christine Petersen
Undergraduate Researcher
Christine is currently a doctoral student in Human Factors & Human-Computer Interaction at Rice University.
Matthew Scott
Undergraduate Researcher
Matthew received a BS in Industrial Engineering in December 2018. He is currently working at Expeditors in Nashville, TN.
Jeanelle Tanhueco
Undergraduate Computer Programmer
Jeanelle graduated from Purdue in May 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in computer science. She is currently a software engineer at Cisco.
Lauren Werner
Master Thesis Student (M.S.I.E.)
Lauren graduated from Purdue with an M.S. in Industrial Engineering in Fall 2021. She is now a product manager at Cheil Marketing Consulting Firm.