Four NHanCE members present at HFES 2023

Four NHanCE members present at HFES 2023

Event Date: October 27, 2023
Four attendees were: Dr. Brandon Pitts (Lab Director, Assistant Professor in IE), Nade Liang (Ph.D. Candidate), Maya Luster (Ph.D. Student), and Jing Zang (Ph.D. Student). Dr. Pitts won the 2023 Stephanie Binder Young Professional Award and was named Program Chair of the STTG.


During the week of Oct 22nd - Oct 27th, the 67th International Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) was held in Washington D.C. 

Four NHanCE Lab members attended: Dr. Brandon Pitts (Lab Director, Assistant Professor in IE), Nade Liang (Ph.D. Candidate), Maya Luster (Ph.D. Student), and Jing Zang (Ph.D. Student). 

During the conference, Ph.D. Students, Maya Luster and Nade Liang, delivered oral presentations. Jing Zang presented a research poster and a university lab poster. Dr. Pitts served on two panels with other researchers and practitioners.

The two oral presentations included:

  1. Nade Liang: “Predicting automated vehicle takeover decision during the nighttime”
  2. Maya Luster: “Evaluating the dissociation between drivers' self-perceived and objective need for vehicle assistance during obstacle avoidance tasks”

The research poster presented was:

  1. Jing Zang: "Tactile Displays: the effects of location and intensity on automated vehicle takeover performance"

The two panel discussions included:

  1. Dr. Pitts: “L3 Vehicles are becoming a Reality: Important Human Factors Consideration for the Viability of Conditional Automation”
  2. Dr. Pitts: “Bringing the Human Factor to DEI: Increasing Inclusion and Accessibility from Academia and Industry to our Everyday Lives”

In addition, Nade Liang participated the Inaugural HFES Doctoral Colloquium, nominated by Dr. Young-Jun Son, Head of the School of Industrial Engineering. Dr. Pitts served on a junior faculty panel during the Colloquium.

Also, Dr. Pitts received the 2023 Stephanie Binder Young Professional Award given by the Surface Transportation Technical Group (STTG) of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), and was named Program Chair of the STTG. More details about the Binder recognition can be found here:

The HFES Purdue Chapter also won the “2023 Outstanding Student Chapter Gold Award” for chapters that have made significant contributions to the discipline, HFES, their campus, and/or their community within a particular year (chapter co-advisors: Dr. Robert Proctor and Dr. Denny Yu,

Finally, the HFES Purdue Chapter organized the Annual Purdue Dinner during the conference, a chapter tradition aimed to help Purdue University alumni, students, and faculty in Human Factors stay connected.


nade presents nade presents

(l) Nade presenting; (r) Maya presenting

jing poster lab poster

(l) Jing presenting research poster; (r) Jing presenting university lab poster

pitts presents pitts award

(l) Dr. Pitts presenting; (r) Dr. Pitts receiving 2023 Stephanie Binder Young Professional Award

purdue dinner

Purdue Alumni Dinner