Pitts presents CALC optimal aging symposium
Pitts presents CALC optimal aging symposium
The keynote speaker ws Wendy A. Rogers, the Shahid and Ann Carlson Khan Professor of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, on "Technology Design to Support Successful Aging."
Dr. Brandon Pitts, assistant professor of industrial engineering, was one of five other presenters. He gave a talk on "Aging with Assisted-driving Systems and Autonomous Vehicles".
The symposium is one of many events celebrating Purdue’s sesquicentennial, 150 Years of Giant Leaps. This year-long celebration is highlighting Purdue’s remarkable history of giant leaps, while focusing on what giant leaps Purdue can take to address the world’s problems. The symposium addresses the Giant Leaps campaign theme of “Health, Longevity and Quality of Life.”
The event is sponsored by the Center on Aging and the Life Course and the Purdue University Retirees Association.
Source: Purdue News Service, "The Center on Aging and the Life Course to Host Technological Innovations for Optimal Aging", Sept. 24, 2018.