Morgan Hynes

Associate Professor of Engineering Education
Mailing Addresses
Office: ARMS ARMS 1315; Research Lab WANG 3564


Morgan conducts engineering education research in both pre-college and college settings. Morgan’s main research interest relates to broadening participation in engineering, which he is pursuing through his NSF CAREER award (2015). His research investigates how presenting engineering in broad, humanistic contexts can appeal to a more diverse population of students. He also investigates how these broad contexts support students’ engagement in authentic engineering design practices. Additionally, Morgan explores how Makerspaces or Fabrication lab spaces can help facilitate engineering teaching and learning.


Owl's Head, Maine, USA


Ph.D., Engineering Education, Tufts University
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University

Research Interests

How students and teachers engage in and reflect upon the engineering design process; How teachers conceptualize and teach engineering through in-depth case study analysis; How settings (i.e., physical classroom setup) and contexts (i.e., integrating more of the social sciences and humanities) influence students' engagement in and understanding of engineering and design.

Selected Publications

Hynes, M. M., Joslyn, C., Hira, A., Holly, Jr., J., Jubelt, N. (2016). Exploring Diverse Pre-College Students’ Interests and Understandings of Engineering to Promote Engineering Education for All. International Journal of Engineering Education 32(5), 2318-2327.

Hynes, Morgan M. , and Jessica Swenson. 2013. The humanistic side of engineering: considering social science and humanities dimensions of engineering in education and research. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 3 (2):4.

Hynes, M. M. (2012). Middle-school teachers’ understanding and teaching of the engineering design process: A look at subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge. International journal of technology and design education, 22(3), 345-360.

Awards & Honors

  • National Science Foundation CAREER award (2015)
  • Purdue University Scholarship of Engagement Fellow (2015)
  • School of Engineering Education Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award (2014)
  • ASEE Engineering Research & Methods (ERM) Apprentice Faculty Grant (2013)

Fun Facts

Advanced to State Championships in Seatbelt Fastening Contest
Can operate heavy machinery (e.g., excavator, bulldozer, and loader)