Edward Berger
Edward Berger earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 1996, and his MS in Mechanical Engineering in 1992. His most recent appointment was as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia, where he was also a faculty member in Mechanical Engineering (2005-2014). Prior to joining UVa in 2005, he was on the faculty in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati (1996-2005).
Dr. Berger's engineering education research agenda includes two key issues: (i) as an instructor, the use of social media for effective teaching, and (ii) as an administrator, the emerging institutional research area of predictive models for student academic success. His mechanical engineering research interests include the nonlinear mechanics of joints and interfaces.
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Penn State
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Penn State
Research Interests
Assessment of technology interventions
Non-cognitive factors and their role in student success
Discipline-based engineering education research
Selected Publications
Briody, E., Rodriguez-Mejia, F., and Berger, E., Professional staff making a difference: Cultural change in higher education", Innovative Higher Education, 2021.
Perkins, H., Ge, J., Scheidt, M., Major, J., Chen, J., Berger, E., and Godwin, A., "Holistic wellbeing and belonging: Attempting to untangle stress and wellness in their impact on sense of community in engineering", International Journal of Community Well-Being, accepted (accepted July 2021).
Walsh, Y., Pinto, H., Benes, B., Y'uksel, T., Bryan, L., Berger, E., and Magana, A., A learner-centered approach for designing visuohaptic simulations for conceptual understanding of truss structures", Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22410.
Ge, J., Berger, E., Froiland, J., Pitman-Gammon, R., Chen, J., and Godwin, A., "Developing a consensus model of engineering thriving using a Delphi process", International Journal of Engineering Education, in press (accepted December 2020).
Ge, J., Major, J., Berger, E., Godwin, A., Chen, J., Jensen, K., and Froiland, J., "A Scoping Literature Review of Engineering Thriving to Redefine Student Success", Studies in Engineering Education, 2021.
Lee, D., Rothstein, R., Dunford, A., Berger, E. J., Rhoads. J. F., and DeBoer, J., "'Connecting Online': The Structure and Content of Students' Asynchronous Online Networks in a Blended Engineering Class", Computers & Education, 2021.
Scheidt, M., Godwin, A., Berger, E., Chen, J., Self, B., Widmann, J., and Gates, A., "Engineering Students' Non-Cognitive and Affective Factors: Group Differences from Cluster Analysis", Journal of Engineering Education, 2021.
Stites, N. A., Berger, E., DeBoer, J., and Rhoads, J. F., "Are resource-usage patterns related to achievement? A study of an active, blended, and collaborative learning environment for undergraduate engineering courses", European Journal of Engineering Education, 2021.
Berger, E., Wu, C., Briody, E., Wirtz, E., and Rodriguez-Mejia, F., "Faculty subcultures in engineering and their implications for organizational change", Journal of Engineering Education, 2021.
Rodriguez-Mejia, F., Briody, E., Rothstein, R, and Berger, E., "Implementing grassroots initiatives of change: Integrating perspectives from psychology and anthropology", International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 1097-1116, 2020.
Awards & Honors
- All-University Teaching Award, University of Virginia AY 06-07
- Commonwealth of Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching with Technology, 2008
- College of Engineering Professor of the Year, University of Cincinnati, AY 01-02
- Indiana Commission for Higher Education (July ’21 – June ’23): Faculty Representative
- National Science Foundation (2019-2020): Program Direct, Engineering Education, National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering, Division of Engineering Education and Centers
- University of Virginia (2005-2014): Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs (2008-2014) and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- University of Cincinnati (1996-2005): Asst. and then Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, with a courtesy appointment in Biomedical Engineering