New Graduate Student Spotlight: Bray Bonner
He earned a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, MS in (Business) Management, and MS in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech) and an MS in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University.
Bray’s interests in engineering education are college student retention and career retention. “There are many K-12 programs and resources to help students enter the engineering pipeline. However, attrition rates are high when these students matriculate through college and after entering the workplace. I wish to research the causes and determine some remedies to the high attrition rates,” said Bray.
We asked, “What Purdue?”
The ENE research occurring at Purdue is fascinating and covers a wide range of topics. The faculty, staff, and ENE students made themselves available to discuss ongoing ENE research or to answer any program questions I possessed. Purdue is also a premier research institution, so I decided Purdue was the university to pursue my PhD.