Odesma Dalrymple Receives ENE Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Odesma Dalrymple
Doctoral candidate Dalrymple received the award at the College of Engineering Honors Reception on April 19. More

A dedicated, resourceful, and community-minded individual, Dalrymple has a publication, teaching, and student record that is truly outstanding. She served as an adviser to incoming first-year engineering students at Purdue over two summers about course options related to the pursuit of engineering and registering students for classes. She was also a Super Summer Course Instructor for the Gifted Education Resource Institute at Purdue in the “Design It – Light It – Make It Move" program. She designed and taught a curriculum that introduced 1st- and 2nd-graders to inventors and inventions through the use of take-apart activities and other hands-on tasks. She has also been an active member of the Student Chapter of the ASEE at Purdue.

Dalrymple contributed curricular innovation and reform in Purdue's First-Year Engineering Program's introductory engineering course content as instructor of record for all Fall 2008 sections of ENGR 126 (Engineering Problem Solving and Computer Tools). She was responsible for developing, organizing, and presenting a guest lecture plus a two-hour lab experience for all class sections. 

In her doctoral research, Dalrymple is addressing one of the challenging and interesting problems of classroom life, namely, measuring student learning. Her doctoral dissertation promises to invigorate and expand an area of innovative applications to improve classroom teaching and student learning. Her imaginative use of Disassemble, Analyze, Assemble (DAA) activities is designed to raise our level of understanding of how students learn through rigorous research practices, empirical testing and sound theoretical assumptions. Her research has been presented and published in proceedings at three of the principal conferences for the discipline: the International Conference of Engineering Education (Puerto Rico, 2006), the Frontiers in Education Conference (San Diego, 2006), and the annual conference of American Society for Engineering Education in (Pittsburgh, 2008). Her collaboration with her colleagues also resulted in the presentation of a regional workshop on “Artifact Redesign Using Disassemble/Analyze/Assemble (DAA) Activities,” sponsored by the American Society of Engineering Education in 2008.