i2i Lab – Scheduling and Use Policies Design Studio (ARMS B098-2)

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Design Studio (ARMS B098-2)

General Use Policy

The primary use of this room is to hold classes and events for First-Year Engineering (FYE). Types of classes and events include ENGR 131/132/141/142, office hours, TA training, etc. During the Fall and Spring semesters, the lab is typically in use Monday-Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm for classes, and from 7-9pm for office hours. During the summer months, this room is used for FYE summer classes, engineering camps, etc. For a detailed schedule of the Design Studio, please see https://engineering.purdue.edu/I2IApps/scheduling/index.php?studio=Design.

Specific Policies

  • No food is allowed in the Design Studio.
  • Drinks with a lid are allowed in the classroom. Open containers are not allowed.

Scheduling Policies

  • When not in use, it may be possible to schedule this room if the event is for academic purposes.
  • To schedule use of this room, please contact Jim Whitford (jwhitfo@purdue.edu). Unscheduled meetings in this room are not permitted.

Demonstration Studio (ARMS B098-1)

General Use Policy

The primary use of this room is to support First-Year Engineering (FYE) classes and students, and other students in the College of Engineering who are utilizing the Rapid Prototype machines and the Artisan and Fabrication Lab (AFL). Types of events that are typically held in this room include FYE Teaching Assistant (TA) day-time office hours, AFL support hours (staffed by a TA), FYE TA meetings, etc. During the Fall and Spring academic year, the Demonstration Studio in typically open Monday-Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm for use. For a detailed schedule of the Demonstration Studio, please see https://engineering.purdue.edu/I2IApps/scheduling/index.php?studio=Demonstration.

Specific Policies

  • No food is allowed in the Demonstration Studio unless scheduled in advance with Jim Whitford.
  • Drinks with a lid are allowed. Open containers are not allowed.

Scheduling Policies

  • When not in use, it may be possible to schedule this room if the event is for academic purpose.
  • When this room is open (typically 7:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri) and there is no scheduled use, this room is open for FYE Faculty and TAs to meet, and for FYE students and AFL users to use the computers.
  • To schedule use of this room for a specific event, please contact Jim Whitford (jwhitfo@purdue.edu). Unscheduled meetings in this room are not permitted.

Innovation Studio (ARMS B098B)

General Use Policy

The primary use of this room is to support First-Year Engineering (FYE) classes and students. Types of events that are typically held in this room include FYE student meeting, FYE Faculty and Teaching Assistant (TA) meetings, etc. During the Fall and Spring academic year, the Innovation Studio in typically open Monday-Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm for use. For a detailed schedule of the Innovation Studio, please see https://engineering.purdue.edu/I2IApps/scheduling/index.php?studio=Innovation.

Specific Policies

  • No food is allowed in the Innovation Studio.
  • Drinks with a lid are allowed. Open containers are not allowed.

Scheduling Policies

  • When not in use, it may be possible to schedule this room if the event is for academic purpose.
  • When this room is open (typically 7:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri) and there is no scheduled use, this room is open for FYE TAs, FYE students, and FYE faculty.
  • To schedule use of this room for a specific event, please contact Jim Whitford (jwhitfo@purdue.edu). Unscheduled meetings in this room are not permitted.