AASHTO Fracture Control Plan and Revisions to LRFD Fatigue Design Specifications

Primarily in response to failures during the late 1960's and 1970's, the material, design, fabrication, shop inspection, and in-service inspection requirements were improved for steel bridges in general. Special provisions for fracture critical members (FCM) were later implemented in 1978 mainly in reaction to bridge collapses.
Event Date: March 05, 2018
Time: 3:41-3:41pm
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What: Bowen - Steel Bowen - Bridges
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Primarily in response to failures during the late 1960's and 1970's, the material, design, fabrication, shop inspection, and in-service inspection requirements were improved for steel bridges in general. Special provisions for fracture critical members (FCM) were later implemented in 1978 mainly in reaction to bridge collapses.

These requirements were successful in transforming the industry and the design of modern bridges, so that fatigue and fracture are very rare in bridges built in the last 20-25 years.

Sponsor: Federal Highway Administration
Faculty Investigator: Robert J. Connor
Graduate Student: Steven Atlstad
