DEI Listening Session - 4/25

DEI Listening Session - 4/25

Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM
Location: ARMS 2008
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show

Dear students,


I am writing you this message in my role as head of Aeronautics and Astronautics to invite you to a discussion with members of AAE's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; this discussion is an opportunity to talk about the school’s study / research / work climate and to talk about your own experience in the school. This will be our opportunity to hear from you so that AAE can develop and pursue some actionable steps to make AAE an ever-friendlier environment, with more diversity and inclusion. You may have already seen ads for this go out in our graduate and undergraduate mailing lists, but I wanted to make sure you all saw this opportunity.


I have been having these discussions with students from various identity groups over the last few years. While no two students have the exact same experience, this group discussion is intended for me to hear from Black students in AAE. If you know of classmates who should also participate in this discussion, please forward this message to them.


Renee Gibert, Lead Program Manager in Minority Engineering Program, will be the moderator for this discussion. My and the DEI committee member(s)' main role in this discussion is to listen; we will engage where needed.


This discussion will be held in-person on Thursday, April 25 at 11:00-12:00pm in ARMS 2008.


I look forward to your input as an important part of improving Aeronautics and Astronautics.



Prof. Crossley