Published on: March 26, 2024

Blue Origin Blue Ring Competition

Blue Origin Blue Ring Competition

Priority: No
College Calendar: Show


Dear Participants,


The Blue Origin University Recruiting Team is thrilled to announce the Blue Ring Competition, an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and ingenuity in the realm of space technology. We invite you to participate and submit your proposals.


Expanding upon its mission to build a road to space for the benefit of Earth, Blue Origin has unveiled Blue Ring, a spacecraft platform focused on providing in-space logistics and delivery.

Blue Ring serves commercial and government customers and can support a variety of missions in medium Earth orbit out to the cislunar region and beyond. The platform provides end-to-end services that span hosting, transportation, refueling, data relay, and logistics, including an “in-space” cloud computing capability. Blue Ring can host payloads of more than 3,000 kg and provides unprecedented delta-V capabilities and mission flexibility.

“Blue Ring addresses two of the most difficult challenges in spaceflight today: growing space infrastructure and increasing mobility on-orbit. We're offering our customers the ability to easily access and maneuver through a variety of orbits cost-effectively while having access to critical data to ensure a successful mission,” (Paul Ebertz, Senior Vice President of In-Space Systems).


Blue Origin would like to invite current students to share their vision for the future of Blue Ring. The primary objectives for this competition are to:

  • Foster Innovation
  • Stimulate Research and Development
  • Showcase Talent and Imagination


Join us for a live Q&A on March 7th at 1pm Pacific time using this link:


Announce and invite 7 universities to participate

March 5th

Virtual Q&A Session

March 7th at 1pm PST

Deadline for Participants (final submission)

April 1st at 5pm PDT

Winners Announced

May 1st



All students must be enrolled and seeking an engineering major, undergraduate or graduate, at one of the following institutions: California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Purdue University, Stanford University, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Michigan, and University of Washington.



  • Submissions received from students who are not currently enrolled at one of the universities listed above, will not be considered for this competition.
  • Competition opens from March 5th to April 1st.
  • Up to two students per submission.
  • Only first 30 submissions will be reviewed.
  • Project Proposal: Students must submit a detailed project proposal that includes a project title, abstract, objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and references.
  • Project Submission and Format: Proposals must be submitted in PDF format to by the April 1st,2024 at 5:00 pm PST.
  • Submissions will be no longer than a 6-page memo (3000 words) plus Appendix with no more than 4 pages for figures/tables.
    • Email title will be “Blue Ring Competition Submission – [School Name] – [Students’ Initials]”
  • Code of Conduct: All participants are expected to adhere to the University's code of conduct. Plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty will result in disqualification.
  • Intellectual Property: By participating in the competition, participants agree that Blue Origin will own the intellectual property rights to all submissions.
  • Submission will not be accepted after the deadline.



  1. Judging: A panel comprised of Blue Origin employees with expertise in the submitted category will judge first 30 submissions. Entries will be viewed in their entirety.
  2. Evaluation Criteria: Entries are evaluated according to the following criteria:
    • Looking for most innovative ideas for Blue Ring use.
    • Most creative use of numerous Blue Ring capabilities.
    • Clearest concept of operations.




First Prize

Travel to Tour Rocket Park (Blue Origin’s facilities in Florida). Blue Origin will cover travel expenses up to $1,500 per person.



Second Prize

New Glenn or New Shepard model

Third Prize

Blue Origin Swag Pack


For questions, please contact