Purdue MDRS Crews 2024

Purdue MDRS Crews 2024

Priority: No
College Calendar: Show

Application deadline is Sunday, March 31st at 11:59 PM


Two crews from Purdue University have been offered an opportunity during December 2024  to perform Mars-related analog research at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). Each crew will have between 6 and 7 members based on requirements. A few backup members will be additionally selected to support Purdue crews. There is also an opportunity to apply for the Boiler Analog Mission Control to support the crews. Note that any students/staff/faculty from any Purdue department can apply. However, the applications should be a good fit for the roles possible at MDRS. The possible roles at MDRS are available on the Purdue MDRS website home page: https://tinyurl.com/4jbkv3eh. For example, there are journalist, artist, and human factors related roles that provide opportunity for arts, communications, and psychology major students to apply. 


The application link (also available on the website) is: https://tinyurl.com/bddakxcy. This application is for Phase 1 of the selection process only, which primarily includes assessment by some top faculty members related to analog astronautics. Upon passing this phase there would be Phase 2 of the selection process in which personality, behavioral attributes, and research would be further tested in detail. 


Please note the following.

  • There is a security deposit of $250 per crew member (returned after the rotation is over). 
  • There is a crew registration fee of $2000 for each student member and $3500 for each professional member. 
  • Although there will be fund raising efforts, but the funding is not guaranteed for the crew members. 
  • Also, upon selection there will be a training process, team bonding, etc., that will require meetings. 
  • Students applying for first Purdue MDRS crew of 2024-25 would be required to talk to Professors of their courses during Fall 2024 and make arrangements for their final exams/projects. They will be helped with the necessary letters of support. 

Contact purduemdrscrews@gmail for questions or concerns