Line Edge Roughness in GNR Tunneling FETs
Line Edge Roughness in GNR Tunneling FETs |
Mathieu Luisier, Gerhard Klimeck |
- Simulation of Graphene Nanoribbon band-to-band tunneling FETs
- Study the influence of Line Edge Roughness (LER) on their performances
- Non-equilibrium quantum transport with on single orbital per carbon atom
- Atomistic description of the graphene ribbon
- Edge atoms randomly removed with a given probability P
- Statistical sampling of LER (100 random samples per roughness probability)
Results and Impacts:
- LER causes drastic increase of OFF-current and decrease of ON/OFF ratio (band gap states)
- Help experimentalists design better devices, less sensitive to LER
Image Caption:
- Up: Single-gate graphene nanoribbon tunneling transistor and sample of a graphene nanoribbon with random LER
- Down: Transfer characteristics Id-Vgs of graphene nanoribbon tunneling FETs with different LER probabilities. Each curve represents the average of 100 different samples
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