Mathieu Luisier

Gate Control and Sub-Threshold Swing in BTBT Comparison of in pin InAs Devices

Gate Control and Sub-Threshold Swing in BTBT Comparison of in pin InAs Devices Mathieu Luisier, Gerhard Klimeck


  • Low voltage, good turn-on/off switches
  • Develop low sub-threshold swing FETs with band-to-band-tunneling (BTBT)
  • Provide guidance to experiments


  • Utilized OMEN - atomistic, full band quantum transport simulator
  • 3 diff. geom., InAs, 20nm gates. 6nm body/diameter, 1nm Oxide, 5e19/cm3


  • Dramatically different sub-thresholds
  • Slightly different gate controls


  • BTBTdevices much more sensitive to smooth band bending than expected
  • gate all-around NW fairs best.


Not published yet.

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