Mathieu Luisier's Biography

Mathieu Luisier is an Assistant Research Professor in the Birck Nanotechnology Center and the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) since February 2008.
Mathieu Luisier was born in Le Châble, Switzerland. He received the degree of Dipl.-Ing. (with honors) in electrical engineering from the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in 2003. He received a PhD at the Integrated Systems Laboratory (ETH Zurich) on quantum transport in nanoscale devices in 2006. From July 05 to December 05, he was a visitor at the Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, USA. He was a post-doctoral researcher at ETH in 2007.
Mathieu's research is focused atomistic quantum transmort simulation and the construction of OMEN.
Mathieu has a contributor web page on
In the Klimeck group he worked on the following research projects:
- Development of Numerical algorithms for OMEN:
- Scaling to 59,904 cores. In part published in [P_2008_14].
- Scaling of OMEN on a variety of different HPC resources
- A new linear solver based on an optimized renormalization method [J_2008_7],[P_2008_11].
OMEN applications:
- Band-to-band-tunneling in InAs devices
- Momentum-Energy-Resolved Transport in Full-Band Simulations
- Charge Self-consistent Full-Band Transport in Realistic Structures
- Gate Control and Sub-Threshold Swing in BTBT
Comparison of in pin InAs Devices – SG-UTB / DG-UTB / NW.
- InAs/InAlGaAs HEMT devices. To be published at IEDM 2008 [J_2008_14].
- n- and p-doped double-gate MOSFETs for the 22nm technology node [J_2008_12].
- Scatttering in nanowires - atomistic, full band with all phonon modes[J124].