Mathieu Luisier

Full Band, Atomistic Scattering in Nanowires

Full Band, Atomistic Scattering in Nanowires Mathieu Luisier, Gerhard Klimeck


  • Understand transport with incoherent scattering – energy and phase loss


  • Realistic device extensions
  • Atomistic basis
  • General phonon description


  • NEGF problem formulation
  • Tight binding basis
  • Consider nanowires first
  • All phonon modes, free wire
  • Multi-Level parallelism (V,E,space)

Computational Burden:

  • 70,000 cores for 12 hours
    => ~96CPU years!


  • first atomistic/incoherent sims
  • Model potential drop in emitter
  • Published []

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