evGrand Prix Collegiate 2025 Championship
Race Date: Saturday, April 19, 2025
Rain Date: Sunday, April 20
- January 13 – March 2: Early Race Registration $350 per kart
- March 3 – March 30: Regular Race Registration $450 per kart
February 2: Preliminary Battery Design Evaluation (PBDE) submission deadline
- Applies to all karts with “highly custom battery pack” as defined in the PBDE
- PBDE Template
- PBDE Submission Link
- PBDE review sessions with Technical Inspectors
- March 30: Design Report submission deadline
- March 30: Vehicle Systems Declaration (VSD) submission deadline
April 10:
- 1:00-7:00pm: Technical Inspection session #1 (tentative)
- Location: Purdue Grand Prix Track, 1330 McCormick Rd.,West Lafayette, IN 47906
- Technical Inspection form
- Instructions: Bring a hard copy of your kart’s completed Technical Inspection form and supporting documents, and your race-ready kart to the designated Technical Inspection area.
5:00-8:00pm Practice Session (tentative)
- Location: Purdue Grand Prix Track
- Your team must be registered on-site by submitting liability waivers for each member
- Drivers must pass Driver’s Test based on Driver’s Training
- Only karts that pass Technical Inspection are allowed to enter the track
April 17:
- 3:00-8:00pm Technical Inspection session #2 – last chance (tentative). Same details as session #1.
- 5:00-8:00pm Practice Session (tentative). Same details as 4/10 session.
April 18:
- 1:00-4:00pm Practice Session at Purdue GP Track
4:30-5:45pm Sprint Race Qualifiers at Purdue GP Track
- 15-lap race with karts gridded per Design Report results
- Final placement determines Main Race grid
April 19:
- 2:30-3:00pm Pre-race Practice
- 3:00-4:00pm 2025 evGrandPrix Race
- April 20: Race rain date
- Liability release for all participants: Each participant must bring a signed form to on-site registration when the team first checks in for the event. Each participant will receive a pit pass (wrist band).
- Technical Inspection Form for each kart: The Crew Chief is to bring the completed form with the kart to Technical Inspection. Technical Inspection will not begin until all above forms are submitted and accepted.
- Driver Safety Presentation: All drivers must watch this presentation before driving in their first evGP event of the season (school year).
- Driver’s Test: All drivers must pass this test before driving in their first evGP event of the season. The test only needs to be passed one time per season (school year).
- Each team (kart) is required to have a track worker wearing a safety vest every time it is on track (Recommended safety vest)
- Track Worker Safety Training: Powerpoint | Video
- PEM Mounting Hole Drawing