ENE 50400: Leadership, Policy, and Change in STEM Education
A graduate-level engineering education foundation course framed around historical and current perspectives of STEM policy across educational domains (e.g., secondary and postsecondary), political organizations (state and national governments), and groups of people (e.g., students, teachers, and policymakers). This course examines theories and applications of education policy, leadership, and systemic change in STEM education.
IDE 360: Multidisciplinary Engineering Statistics
Statistics is critical to the engineering problem-solving process. This course introduces engineering students to the role of statistics in problem solving and to the design and presentation of simple models and experiments. An emphasis will be placed on using computer software to perform statistical analyses and on interpreting results.
ENGR 131: Transforming Ideas to Innovation
A required course for first-year engineering students designed to help students learn how to make “evidence-based engineering decisions in diverse teams.” Course content include using Excel and MATLAB, cross-cultural and multidisciplinary teamwork, mathematical modeling, data analysis, and the design process.