
  1. Main, J. B., Griffith, A., Xu, X. & Dukes, A. M. (2022). Choosing an engineering discipline: A conceptual model of student pathways into engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 111(1): 40-64.
  2. Main, J.B., Wang, Y. , & Tan, L. (2021). Preparing industry leaders: The role of doctoral education and early career management training in the leadership trajectories of female STEM PhDs. Research in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1007/s11162-021-09655
  3. Griffith, A.L. & Main, J.B. (2021). The role of the teaching assistant: Female role models in the classroom. Economics of Education Review, 85.
  4. Main, J.B., Wang, Y. & Tan, L. (2021). The career outlook of engineering PhDs: Influence of postdoctoral research positions on the attainment of tenure track faculty positions and academic salaries. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(4): 977-1002.
  5. Wang, Y.  & Main, J.B. (2021). The influence of postdoctoral training on the attainment of faculty careers and academic salaries in the social sciences versus STEM fields. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 12(3): 384-402. DOI: 10.1108/SGPE-04-2020-0025
  6. Mondisa, J. & Main, J.B. (2021). Mentors’ Perceptions of their African-American Undergraduate Protégés’ Needs and Challenges. Journal of Negro Education, 90(2): 195-210.
  7. Tan, L., Main, J.B., & Darolia, R. (2021). Using random forest analysis to identify student demographic and high school-level factors that predict college engineering major choice. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(3): 572-593. 10.1002/jee.20393.
  8. Camacho, M.M., Lord, S.M., Mobley, C., Main, J.B. & Brawner, C.E. (2021). Transitions of student military veterans into engineering education. Social Sciences, 10(6):228. 10.3390/socsci10060228
  9. McGee, E., Main, J.B., Cox, M.F., Miles, M.L. (2021). An intersectional approach to investigating persistence among women of color tenure-track engineering faculty. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 27(1): 57-84. 10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2020035632
  10. Main, J.B., Johnson, B., & Wang, Y. (2021). Gatekeepers of engineering workforce diversity: The academic and employment returns to student participation in voluntary cooperative education programs. Research in Higher Education, 62: 448-477. 10.1007/s11162-020-09596-7.
  11. Main, J.B., Tan, L., Cox, M.F. & McGee, E. (2020). The correlation between undergraduate student diversity and the representation of women of color faculty in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 109(4): 843-864.
  12. Main, J.B. & Wang, Y. (2020). Intercultural competency among engineering graduate students. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 11(2): 181-196.
  13. Darolia, R., Koedel, C., Main, J.B., Ndashimye, J.F. & Yan, J. (2020). High school course access and postsecondary STEM enrollment and attainment. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 42(1): 22-45.
  14. Main, J.B., Johnson, B., Ramirez, N., Ebrahiminejad, H., Ohland, M.W. & Groll, E. (2020). A Case for Disaggregating Engineering Disciplines in Engineering Education Research: The Relationship between Co-Op Participation and Student Academic Outcomes. International Journal of Engineering Education, 36(1A): 170-185.
  15. Main, J.B., Smith, K.A., Fentiman, A. & Watson, K. (2019). Guest Editorial: The Next Morrill Act for the 21st Century. Journal of Engineering Education, 108(2): 152-155.
  16. Main, J.B. & Griffith, A. (2019). From SIGNALS to success: The effects of an online advising system on course grades. Education Economics, 27(6):608-623. 10.1080/09645292.2019.1674248
  17. Mobley, C., Brawner, C., Lord, S., Main, J.B. & Camacho, M. (2019). Digging deep: Qualitative research methods for eliciting narratives and counter-narratives from student veterans. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 32(10): 1210-1228. 10.1080/09518398.2019.1659440
  18. Main, J.B., Prenovitz, S., and Ehrenberg, R. (2019). In pursuit of a tenure-track faculty position: Career progression and satisfaction of humanities and social sciences doctorates. The Review of Higher Education, 42(4): 1309-1336. 10.1353/rhe.2019.0067
  19. Griffith, A. & Main, J.B. (2019). First impressions in the classroom: How do class characteristics affect student grades and majors? Economics of Education Review, 69: 125-137.
  20. Main, J.B., Camacho, M., Mobley, C., Brawner, C., Lord, S. & Kesim, H. (2019). Technically and tactically proficient: How military leadership training and experiences are enacted in engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(2): 446-457.
  21. Mobley, C., Main, J.B., Brawner, C., Camacho, M. & Lord, S. (2019). Pride and Promise: Identity Salience and Enactment of First-Generation Student Veterans in Engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(1A): 35-49.
  22. Main, J.B. (2018). Kanter’s Theory of Proportions: Organizational demography and PhD completion in science and engineering departments. Research in Higher Education, 59(8): 1059-1073. DOI: 10.1007/s11162-018-9499-x
  23. Main, J.B. & Schimpf, C. (2017). The underrepresentation of women in computing fields: A synthesis of literature using a life course perspective. IEEE Transactions on Education, 60(4): 296-304. 10.1109/TE.2017.2704060
  24. Ramirez, N., Smith, S., Smith, C., Berg, T., Strubel B., Ohland, M. & Main, J.B. (2016). From interest to decision: A comparative exploration of student attitudes and pathways to co-op programs in the United States and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Engineering Education: 32(5A): 1867-1878.
  25. Main, J.B., Mumford, K. & Ohland, M.W. (2015). Examining the influence of engineering students’ course grades on major choice and major switching behavior. International Journal of Engineering Education 31(6A): 1468-1475.
  26. Main, J.B. (2014). Gender homophily, Ph.D. completion, and time to degree in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. The Review of Higher Education 37(3): 349-375. 10.1353/rhe.2014.0019
  27. Main, J.B. & Ost, B. (2014). The impact of grades on student effort, course selection, and major choice: A regression-discontinuity analysis. Journal of Economic Education 45(1): 25-35.
  28. Ehrenberg, R.G., Jakubson G.H., Martin, M.L., Main, J.B. & Eisenberg, T. (2012). Diversifying the faculty across gender lines: Do trustees and administrators matter? Economics of Education Review 31(1): 9-18.
  29. McGowan, C.P., Duarte, H.A., Main, J.B., and A.A. Biewener. (2006). Effects of load carrying on metabolic cost and hindlimb dynamics in guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Journal of Applied Physiology 101:1060-1069.