Principal Investigator

Raisul Islam, Assistant Professor

School of Materials Engineering

Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy)

raisul [AT] purdue [DOT] edu


2017    Ph.D.,     Electrical Engineering,     Stanford University, CA, USA

2011    M.Sc.,    Electrical & Electronic Engineering,    Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2009    B.Sc.,    Electrical & Electronic Engineering,    Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology  


2014-2016     Eric and Illeana Benhamou Stanford Graduate Fellowship

2013              Seed grant competition winner, TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy, Stanford University

2011              Stanford Electrical Engineering Departmental Fellowship

2009              University gold medal – for graduating as summa cum laude, Bangladesh. 


Dr. Raisul Islam joined MSE@Purdue as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Spring 2024. His prior research focused on novel semiconductor devices, with expertise in thin-film deposition, device fabrication, characterization, and physics-based simulations of device performance. At Purdue, Raisul will lead a research group focusing on functionalization of new materials to realize monolithically integrated 3D systems for a range of emerging applications with a special interest in intelligent computation.

Just prior to joining Purdue, Dr. Islam learned about 3D printing of battery as the Principal Scientist in Sakuu Corp., a series-B funded start-up in Silicon Valley that aims to revolutionize battery manufacturing. Previously, he also worked as a device technologist at SunRise Memory Corporation, a series-C funded new memory technology start-up also located in Silicon Valley that aims to revolutionize high speed highly scalable memory technology addressing some of the scaling challenges of DRAM. Prior to this, he worked at EMD Electronics, a leading material supplier to the semiconductor foundries, where he worked on the development of high temperature ALD precursors for ultra-thin ferroelectric films at low thermal budget. Raisul has also briefly worked at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) in the corporate research division.

Before joining industry, Dr. Islam completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2017 under the supervision of Professor Krishna Saraswat. He then worked as a post-doctoral scholar with Professor H.-S. Phillip Wong from 2017 – 2019. His PhD work on ultra-thin photovoltaics has resulted in seed grant award from TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy at Stanford. He was also the recipient of Eric and Illeana Benhamou Stanford Graduate Fellowship. Raisul Islam obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University in Engineering and Technology in 2009 and 2011 respectively. He was a recipient of University Gold Medal for graduating summa cum laude in 2009. He is an author of numerous scientific publications and inventor in numerous patent applications.