Several Upcoming MTEC Conference Talks & Tutorials!
Several Upcoming MTEC Conference Talks & Tutorials!
Event Date: | March 1, 2019 |
This spring several MTEC students will present their work at ITHERM 2019, and work from the MTEC lab will be presented at other conferences by PI Marconnet and collaborators.
MRS Spring 2019 - April 22-26, 2019 in Phoenix AZ [conference site]:
- Prof. Marconnet will will provide an introduction to thermal transport measurement techniques spanning a range of length and time scales. A brief discussion of recent key experimental results that have guided our understanding of phonon transport will be emphasized. Open challenges in the field will be highlighted at Tutorial QN05—Building Understanding of Phonon Transport—Calculations and Experiment [details]
ITHERM 2019 - May 28 - 31, 2019 in Las Vegas, NV [conference site]:
- PhD Candidate Patrick Krane will present his work on inverse methods for identifying hot spots in electronics packaging [details]
- PhD Candidate Aaditya Candadai will present his work on characterizing the thermal conductivity of high conductivity yarns for flexible high conductivity heat spreaders [details]
- SURF Student Debraliz Isaac Aragones will present her work on characterizing 2D analogs of TIMs to understand percolation [details]
10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies - June 23-28, 2019 in Singapore [conference site]
- Our collaborators from Prof. Kulkarni's team at JNCASR will present on Cosmetically Adaptable Transparent Strain Sensor for Sensitively Delineating Patterns in Small Movements of Vital Human Organs. [details]