Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

Purpose: Bi-weekly meeting of the ENE safety committee

Date: August 28th, 2015 at 10:00am


  • J. Huddleston
  • P. La Petina
  • M. Ohland
  • K. Rodgers
  • J. Whitford
  • R. Womack


  • J. Huddleston
  • P. La Petina
  • M. Ohland
  • J. Whitford
  • R. Womack


1. New Business

-          Discussed potential ways to secure the west door of the ARMS 1300 suite

o   Frequently, the door is closed for a security concern. Typically, this is to ensure that a student (or other person) enters the suite via the east door and passes past the reception desk. The committee was tasked with the most effective way of securing this door, and propagating word of the closure.

o   The committee identified several possible solutions, as follows:

1.      Close and lock the west door 24/7. All entrants would either need to use a key to gain access, or access via the east door. Anyone will still be able to exit the west door.

2.      Create a sign system for when the door is closed for security reasons. This sign would notify others that the sign is closed for a specific reason, and include the contact for more information.

3.      Determine a means of communication so all in the space are notified when a security concern arises. The door is closed in this situation.

o   Ultimately, the committee determined the best possible option is option #1. With the door locked 24/7, all potential situations are averted. This option was presented to the ENE Head for final determination.


Next Meeting: Friday, September 11th at 10:00am in ARMS B098