
Professor Roth primarily teaches electromagnetics and quantum technology courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. He catalogs the most recent editions of fully compiled lecture notes for his classes on nanoHUB. Links are included below.

ECE 39595: Fundamentals of Quantum Technology

This course is intended to introduce the fundamental concepts of quantum physics needed to prepare engineers to work on the development of quantum technologies or pursue more advanced studies in this field. Focus is placed on developing an understanding of the basic behavior of quantum systems, the implications of which are discussed in the context of the popular experimental platform of quantized circuits where possible. Topics covered include Lagrangian and Hamiltonian analysis of circuits, the fundamentals of wavefunctions and the Schrodinger equation, the general mathematical framework of quantum mechanics, the interactions between (artificial) atoms and linear circuits, and the density matrix. The course concludes with an introduction to revolutionary quantum technologies such as quantum communication systems, quantum computers, and quantum sensing systems. 

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ECE 30412: Electromagnetics II

Electromagnetics II builds on Electromagnetics I (ECE30411 or ECE 31100) and emphasizes time-varying electromagnetic fields. Both fundamental understanding and an appreciation for applications that span all technologies related to electrical and computer engineering are emphasized. The topics covered include: Maxwell's equations, plane waves, transmission lines, waveguides and cavities, and antennas and radiation. Applications addressed relate to photonics, communications, and imaging and sensing. More generally, illustrations cover the basic principles on which devices and systems used every day operate.

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ECE 61800: Numerical Electromagnetics

The numerical solution of Maxwell's equations is studied. Numerical methods are presented for the solution of electromagnetic differential and integral equations, with a primary focus on the finite-difference time-domain method, the finite element method, and the method of moments. Fast algorithms for accelerating the solution of integral equations are also discussed.  

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