Prof. Roth wins an IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Award!

Prof. Roth wins an IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Award!

Prof. Roth has won one of the 2023 IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Awards on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics! This award recognizes the two best innovative conference papers presented at an annual IEEE AP-S technically sponsored meeting with well consolidated tradition on computational techniques in electromagnetics. Prof. Roth received this award at the 2023 ICEAA-IEEE APWC in Venice, Italy for the paper titled "Maxwell-Schrodinger modeling of a fluxonium qubit coupled to a transmission line network".

Paper Abstract: In superconducting circuit quantum information technologies, classical microwave pulses are applied to control and measure the qubit states. Currently, the design of these microwave pulses use simple theoretical or numerical models that do not account for the self-consistent interactions of how the qubit state modifies the applied microwave pulse. In this work, we present the formulation and discretization of a semiclassical Maxwell-Schrödinger method for describing these self-consistent dynamics for the case of a fluxonium qubit capacitively coupled to a general transmission line network. We validate the proposed method by characterizing key effects related to common control and measurement approaches for fluxonium qubits in systems that are amenable to theoretical analysis. Our numerical results also highlight scenarios where including the self-consistent interactions are essential. By treating the microwaves classically, our method is substantially more efficient than fully-quantum methods for the many situations where the quantum statistics of the microwaves are not needed. Further, our approach does not require any reformulations when the transmission line system is modified. In the future, our method can be used to rapidly explore broader design spaces to search for more effective control and measurement protocols for superconducting qubits.