BIRS Center Publications
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Refereed Publications
Mishra, C., Novak, L., Riley, C., Okekeogbu, I., Smith, G., Brace, E., Kerstiens, E., and Clase, K. (under review). Continuous Improvement of a Bioengineering CURE: Preparing Students for a Changing World.
Hanauer, D. I., Graham, M. J., Arnold, R. J., Ayuk, M. A., Balish, M. F., Beyer, A. R., Clase, K.L.... & Sivanathan, V. (2022). Instructional Models for Course-Based Research Experience (CRE) Teaching. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(1), ar8.
Okezue, M. A., Clase, K. L., Byrn, S. R., & Shivanand, P. (2022). Disparities versus Similarities: WHO GPPQCL and ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 International Standards for Quality Management Systems in Pharmaceutical Laboratories. International Journal of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15(12), 341-353.
Hanauer, D. I., Graham, M. J., Arnold, R. J., Ayuk, M. A., Balish, M. F., Beyer, A. R., Clase, K.L.... & Sivanathan, V. (2022). Instructional Models for Course-Based Research Experience (CRE) Teaching. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(1), ar8.
Kerstiens, E. A., Byrn, S. R., & Clase, K. L. (2022). The Identification of Quality Risk Factors for Non-biological Complex Drugs and Epilepsy Drugs Using Statistical Analysis of Formulation-Based Recalls in the USA. AAPS PharmSciTech, 23(1), 1-9.
Okezue, M., Bogdanowich-Knipp, S., Smith, D., Zeller, M., Byrn, S., Smith, P., ... & Clase, K. (2021). Salts and Polymorph Screens for Bedaquiline. AAPS PharmSciTech, 22(7), 1-16.
Okezue, M. A., Clase, K. L., & Byrn, S. R. (2021). An Effort at Improving Reliability of Laboratory Data in Titrimetric Analysis for Zinc Sulphate Tablets Using Validated Spreadsheet Calculators. International Journal of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15(5), 182-189.
Mishra, C., Parker, L. C., Clase, K. L. (Accepted, 2020). Developing a Classroom Assessment Rubric: An Example from a Research-Based Undergraduate Course. Journal of College Science Teaching.
Yang, M., Byrn, S.R. Clase, K.L. An Analytic Investigation of the Drug Formulation-Based Recalls in the USA: See More Beyond the Literal . AAPS PharmSciTech 21, 198 (2020).
Mercy A. Okezue, Mojisola C. Adeyeye, Steve J. Byrn, Victor O. Abiola and Kari L. Clase. Impact of ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory accreditation in sub-Saharan Africa: a case study. (2020) BMC Health Services Research 2020 20:1065.
M. Okezue, D. Smith, M. Zeller, S. R. Byrn, P. Smith, S. Bogandowich-Knipp, D. K. Purcell and K. L. Clase (2020). Crystal structures of salts of bedaquiline. Acta Cryst. (2020). C76, 1010-1023.
Ekeigwe, A. (2019). Drug manufacturing and access to medicines: the West African story. A literature review of challenges and proposed remediation. AAPS Open, 5(1), 3. doi:10.1186/s41120-019-0032-x.
Clase, K., & Ekeigwe, A. (2019). Human capacity building in Africa - The BIRS model. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA IV), Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
Ekeigwe, A., Clase, K., Byrn, S., Shivanand, P., & Ekeocha, Z. (2019). Medical devices regulation in West Africa - A situational analysis. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa (SCoMRA IV), Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
Ekeigwe, A. (2019). African Women Can Compete on Competence. Retrieved from
Okezue, M.A. , Clase, K.L. , Byrn, S. (2019). Automation of laboratory data processing by use of validated spreadsheet calculator (Abstract pub. WA 001P) West African Journal of Pharmacy (2019) 30 (1) 171 – 178, pg.12.
Mishra, C., Ha, S. J., Parker, L. C., & L. Clase, K. (2019). Describing teacher conceptions of technology in authentic science inquiry using technological pedagogical content knowledge as a lens. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.
Okezue, M.A (2019). On Work-Life Balance: My Choice, My family, My Career. Mentoring Network for African Women in Academia. Retrieved from
Bell, S., Gupta, S., Kerstiens, E., Nagy, C., Novak, L., Ram, C., Riedel, J., Smith, G., Morgan, C., Wu, J., Li, Y., Clase, K., Gurney, S.M.R., Garlena, R.A., Russell, D.A., Pope, W.H., Jacobs-Sera, D. and Hatfull, G.F. Mycobacterium phage PotatoSplit, complete genome. (March 14, 2019). National Center for Biotechnology Information. GenBank Accession Number MK279913.
Mishra, C., Clase, K. L., Bucklin, C. J., & Daniel, K. L. (2018). Improving Students’ Representational Competence through a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience. In Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education (pp. 177-201). Springer, Cham.
Okezue, M.A, Clase, K. L. & Byrn, S. (2018) Instituting process control mechanisms in a quality control analytical chemistry laboratory. BIRS Symposium. Retrieved from
Ekeigwe, A., Clase, K., & Byrn, S. (2018). Institutionalization of Quality Management Systems in the Central Registry of the Central Drug Control Laboratory, National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control, Nigeria (Masters). Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
Kerstiens, E., Li, Y., Smith, G., Bell S., Clase, K. Genome Analysis of Multiple Mycobacteriophages. (August 2, 2018). The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium. Paper 88.
Mraz-Craig, J. A., Daniel, K. L., Bucklin, C. J., Mishra, C., Ali, L., & Clase, K. L. (2018). Student Identities in Authentic Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience. Journal of College Science Teaching, 48(1).
Okezue, M.A, Clase, K. L. & Byrn, S. (2018). Use of Excel spreadsheet calculators in handling data generated from UV- spectrometer. BIRS Symposium. Retrieved from
Kerstiens, E., Li, Y., Okekeogbu, I., Smith, G., Bell S., Novak L., Clase, K. Complete Genome Sequences of 7, A Cluster Mycobacteriophages at Purdue University. American Society for Microbiology.
Kerstiens, E., Li Y., Okekeogbu, I., Smith, G., Bell S., Novak L., Clase, K. Genome Sequences of Seven Cluster A Mycobacteriophages. American Society for Microbiology.
Smith, G., Li, Y., Okekeogbu, I., Kerstiens, E., Bell S., Novak L., Clase, K. Complete Genome Sequences of 7, B Cluster Mycobacteriophages at Purdue University. American Society for Microbiology.
Kerstiens, E., Byrn, S., Clase, K. The Identification of Quality Risk Factors for Nonbiological Complex Drugs and Epilepsy Drugs using Statistical Analysis of Formulation Based Recalls in the USA. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.