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Award winners



Saurabh Bagchi


Purdue Collaborators

  • Chris Brinton: Secure distributed ML
  • David Inouye: Secure distributed ML
  • Aniket Kate: Secure distributed protocols for CPS
  • Milind Kulkarni: Reliable parallel applications
  • Aravind Machiry: Secure IoT systems
  • Chunyi Peng: Reliable edge computing
  • Qiang Qiu: Secure distributed learning
  • Vishal Shrivastav: In-network inferencing
  • Eugene Spafford: Deception for enhancing computer security
  • Shreyas Sundaram: Game theory for embedded security

Outside Purdue External Collaborators

  • Salman Avestimehr, Ramesh Govindan: University of Southern California
  • Yin Li: University of Wisconsin at Madison
  • Rajesh Panta, Kaustubh Joshi: AT&T Labs
  • Sameh Elnikety: Microsoft Research
  • Mathias Payer: EPFL, Switzerland
  • Rudi Eigenmann: University of Delaware
  • Subrata Mitra, Kanak Mahadik, Shiv Saini: Adobe Research
  • Arash Nourian, Bratin Saha: Amazon AWS
  • Shin Matsumura, Rosa Lahiji: Boeing Research & Technology (BR&T)
  • Kevin Chan, Zach Hare, Peng Wang: Army Research Lab

Technical Staff


Amiya Maji



Tomas Ratkus



Joshua S. McKerracher


Graduate Students

Pengcheng Wang

Research Project: Dependability in edge computing
EmailProfile WebsiteLinkedin

Atul Sharma

Research Project: ML-based tuning of accelerator programs


Akhil Sai

Co-supervised with Aniket Kate, CS

Research Project: Secure distributed protocols for embedded systems

Heron Teegarden

Research Project: Adversarial ML


Ahaan Dabholkar

Research Project: Security of autonomous systems


Joshua Majors

Research Project: Security of IoT systems


Preeti Mukherjee

Research Project: Approximate ML processing for IoT


Dipesh Tamboli

Research Project: Security of distributed ML algorithms


Joshua Zhao

Research Project: Security of distributed ML algorithms


Aditya Padala

Co-supervised with Aravind Machiry

Research Project: Security of IoT systems


Cheng Chen

Co-supervised with Kwang Kim

Research Project: Reliable edge offloading


William Xu


Azam Ikram

Research Project: Causality-based Root Cause Analysis


Hyunseung Kim

Research Project: Edge ML


Xiang Li

Research Project: IoT analytics


Sheetal Prasanna

Research Project: Activity recognition on sensor and edge servers


Muhammad Taha

Research Project: Streaming in-network analytics


Kasra Derakhshandeh

Research Project: ML in IoT systems


Undergraduate Students

Akash Venkata Melachuri

Research Project: Approximate ML processing for IoT


Eshaan Minocha

Research Project: Reliable serverless computing


Utkarsh Priyam

Research Project: Database Optimization


Vivek Chudasama

Research Project: DCSL Website


DCSL Award Winners

SemesterGroup ChampBest FresherSuperstar Undergrad
Spring 2024Akhil Sai
"For making the twains of security and energy efficiency meet”
Joshua McKerracher
“For usable data analytics and at scale”
Leon Yee
“For putting our best face forward through fantastic front end design”
Fall 2023Joshua Zhao
"For achieving security among crowds”
Kasra Derakhshandeh
“For making drone swarms dance to his tune”
Mihir Patil
“For taming genomics and computer systems”
Spring 2023Atul Sharma
"For showing how you can learn securely”
Hyunseung Kim
“For being edge-y and offloading smartly”
Aryamaan Dhomne
“For taming genomics and computer systems”
YearGroup Champ AwardeeBest Fresher Awardee
Fall 2021Mustafa Abdallah
"For making the twain meet: theory and practice of distributed security"
Joshua Zhao
"For showing how to secure decentralized learning"
Spring 2021Ran Xu
"For uncovering video power on tiny devices"
Joshua Majors
"For making our tiny devices more secure"
Fall 2020Mustafa Abdallah
"Showing that applying game theory to improve security is serious business"
Akhil Sai
"Showing that tiny devices can agree even in Byzantium"
Fall 2019Heng Zhang
"For making mobile magic"
Atul Sharma
"For making ML meaningful"
Spring 2018Ashraf Mahgoub
"Taming the power of Cassandras"
Pradeep Venkata Kotipalli
"Fast and accurate: in GPU programs"
Fall 2017Ran Xu
"Accuracy, Reliability, & Speed: Making the twains meet"
Mustafa Abdallah
"For gaming all the way to security"
Spring 2017Paul Wood
"All systems firing on all cylinders"
Joint winners:
Ran Xu
"For showing that we do not have to choose between accuracy and speed"
Heng Zhang
"For harnessing the wisdom of the crowds"
Spring 2016Subrata Mitra

"For bringing reliable system design principles to real systems"
Tara Elizabeth Thomas

"For bringing optimization and simulation to an alien world of GE advanced manufacturing"
Fall 2015Nawanol Theera-Ampornpunt

"For application of ML to computer systems and genomics problems"
Christopher Michael Wright

"For creating a new DSL and its compiler infrastructure"
Fall 2014Kanak

"For bringing the discipline of dependable computing to the magical work of genomics
Not Awarded
Spring 2014Fahad

"For work on NEES operations and systems debugging "

"For fearlessly working with Androids and Blades"
Fall 2013Bowen

"For work on performance evaluation and debugging of distributed applications For handling multiple bosses "

"For infusing path-breaking bioinformatics work into DCSL"
Spring 2013Matt

"For innovative work in embedded system debugging and taking bold steps toward commercializing it"

"For innovative work in large-scale system debugging and leading the LLNL collaboration"
Fall 2012 GasparChris
Spring 2012MattPaul
Spring 2011IgnacioBowen
Spring 2010DongHoonN/A
Fall 2009 TanzimaN/A
Spring 2009RajeshN/A
Fall 2008 IgnacioN/A
Fall 2007RajeshN/A
Spring 2007IssaIgnacio
Fall 2006 IssaGaspar

Last modified: May 1, 2024