Join the ABE graduate student intramural soccer team! We play every Tuesday at 6 pm, for the next three weeks. This is a co-ed soccer league specifically for graduate students, through Purdue Intramural Sports. Contact Thirawat Bureetes for more details.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
2021 Spring Communication Workshops
CoE Communication Workshops
Movie Night on April 6th
ABE is hosting a movie night in which all departments are welcome to join! The event will be April 6th, 7-10 PM in PGSC 105 A/B.
Sign-up here: here.
“Meet the Dean” PD Seminar
Graduate Student Mental Health Awareness Week
Register for the 2018 Symposium
Please register for this year’s symposium by 5 PM on 1/28/2018!
BiWeekly Update & Symposium Recap
Download here:Â ABEGSA Newsletter 022916