Category Archives: Photoblog

Mentoring Roundtable Luncheon

The College of Engineering has started a new initiative to recognize Oustanding Mentors of Graduate Students in each Department. ABE-GSA accepted nominations from graduate students and received 6 nominations, each of which included support letters from 3 or more students. ABE is full of wonderful mentors who inspire our graduate students every day. Dr. Abby Engelberth was awarded the ABE Outstanding Mentoring of Graduate Students for 2016! The ABE department generously provided pizza as ABE-GSA organized a roundtable luncheon for Dr. Engelberth to share her mentoring philosophy with students and engage in a discussion on mentoring and life as an early-career faculty member.

Dr. Engelberth (center) with her students Emma, Samira, Mahdieh, and Studie.
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Dr. Engelberth discussing mentoring with graduate students.
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Dr. Engelberth discussing mentoring with graduate students.

Congratulations Dr. Engelberth and thank you to all the students who joined in the discussion!

Super Bowl Party!

40+ ABE Grad Students + friends turned out to watch the super bowl last night at ‘The Palace’. Thanks to Studie for once again letting ABE crash his apartment – we all had an excellent time!

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Was this a party for superb owls or a super bowl? Either way, we had fun! Click the image to see it bigger!