Food Drive!

Calling all graduate students!

This will be the final GSA philanthropy event of the year, and it’s gonna be a good one!

This weekend when you go get groceries, just pick up an extra can or two of food and bring it in on Monday! Or consider donating a few dollars!

What: FOOD DRIVE COMPETITION among other student organizations in the College of Ag

When: April 1-12th: starting Monday

Where: Donation boxes will be in LILLY grad student offices and POTR 236 (talk to me if your lab would like a box in an additional locations); money donations can be done online (debit/credit card); cash/check donations will also be accepted (See below)

Who: YOU! And all your friends!

Why: Because we love giving back to the community! Also if we win we get a cool trophy and receive community recognition :)

How?? See below!

2 types of donations:

Food donations

Food Finders accepts just about anything that is shelf stable but they especially like:

  • 100% Fruit Juices
  • Baking items
  • Beans
  • Boxed rice and potatoes
  • Canned fish and meats
  • Canned fruits
  • Canned vegetables
  • Cereal
  • Drink Mixes
  • Laundry products
  • Macaroni & cheese
  • Meals in a can/box
  • Paper products
  • Pasta and meat sauces
  • Peanut Butter
  • Personal care products
  • Soups and stews

Monetary donations

Cash or check (made out to Food Finders Food Bank), email me at

Food Finders can make just $1 turn into three meals! Also, for every $1 donated, we will get three pounds of food credited to our donation tally. If you want a receipt for tax purposes, email me and I will prepare a form for you to fill out.

Credit card donations

$10 minimum donation

Thank you for being willing to serve the community!

Jenny Stevens

ABE GSA Philanthropy Chair 2018-2019