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Curriculum Overview

Our students are interdisciplinary in origin and training. They will have earned Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degrees in life science, behavioral science, health science, physical science, mathematics, computer science or engineering. We seek to give our students a basic background in coursework that will allow for some common ground around the topic of auditory neuroscience, while also allowing them to continue to build depth in the programs in which they are enrolled. Our program does not enforce too heavy of a course burden, since many of the programs already have extensive course requirements. Our basic core curriculum is slightly flexible to account for strengths and accommodate for weaknesses, in the backgrounds of different students. Mandatory research ethics training is required of all students, as described in the Section on Responsible Conduct of Research. A list of the training group course requirements are:


1) Basic Neuroscience Courses (pick one of three to fulfill requirement)

BIOL 60200 Cellular Neurobiology. 

BIOL 56200 Neural Systems. 

BME 59500 Neural Mechanisms of Health and Disease.

2) Peripheral Hearing Course - Required

SLHS 504 The Auditory Periphery

3) Central/Perceptual Hearing Course (pick one of two to fulfill requirement)

SLHS 503 Auditory Perception

SLHS 506 Neural Bases of Hearing

ECE 511/PSYC 511 Psychophysics

4) Signal Processing Courses (pick one of two to fulfill requirement)

BME 51100 Biomedical Signal Processing

SLHS 60500 Signal Processing for Hearing and Speech Sciences