Recent Projects
These are the most recent research projects developed or in progress at RVL.
For a comprehensive list of all RVL projects, please visit our Project Archive.
- Research in Wireless Camera Networks
The Purdue-Olympus A-Cubed Project |
Wireless camera networks are more complex than wireless sensor networks simply because
cameras generate a lot more information than simple scalar sensors and also because cameras are
directional |
- 3D Modeling of Dormant Apple Trees
The USDA Automatic Pruning Project |
Dormant pruning is one of the most costly and labor-intensive operations
in specialty crop production. During winter, a large crew of trained seasonal
workers has to carefully remove the branches from hundreds of trees using a set of
pre-defined rules. |
- Object Tracking Using a Wireless Camera Network
Conventional camera networks require an infrastructure of cables and
computers to transmit, store and process the information coming from the
cameras. |
- Object Tracking on SIMD-based Smart Cameras
Using Parallel Histogram-based Particle Filter |
As the demand for low-power, portable, and networked computing devices
continues to increase, it is natural that the number and the complexity of services
provided by such devices will only grow. |
- Tracking Humans with a Wired Camera Network
The ability of machines to detect humans and recognize their activities in
an environment is an essential part of allowing a machine to interact with humans easily
and efficiently. |
- The Intelligent Shelf Project
Real-time face pose estimation |
Faces are central to the visual component of human interaction. Classic
examples of this include face recognition and visual focus of attention (V-FOA)
analysis. |
- Distributed and Light-weight Multi-Camera Human Activity Classification
Multiple view action recognition is a logical next step to fixed-view
action recognition because it addresses a more realistic scenario: it does not
assume that humans are performing the action in a specific direction relative to
the camera, e.g. frontal or profile views. In addition, capturing an action from
multiple views obtains additional features of the action, thereby potentially
increasing the discriminative power of the recognition algorithm. |
- An Approach-Path Independent Framework for Place Recognition and Mobile Robot Localization in Interior Hallways
This work is about self-localization by a robot using stereo images of the
environment. We use 3D-JUDOCA features that have high robustness to viewpoint
variations. We present a novel cylindrical data structure — the Feature Cylinder —
for expediting localization with two hypothesize-and-verify frameworks. |
- Combined Object Segmentation and Tracking
Many object tracking algorithms implicitly or explicitly use a coarse
segmentation of each target object using a simple mask such as a rectangle or an
ellipse. This coarse segmentation results in several problems in tracking. If the
mask is too large, extra background pixels will be included causing target drift. |
- Tracking and Segmentation on the CLIF2007 Dataset
Our previous work showed that combining segmentation and tracking gives
improved tracking performance compared to bounding-box approaches. The key idea is
to define a probability distribution over the pixels belonging to each of the
targets and the background. |
- Ground Target Localization
Based on Landmark registration in aereal images |
The aim of this project is to provide the accurate location of ground
objects in a world coordinate system using vision-enabled unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs). Our approach pursues to find the correct registration between aerial images
and reference image. |
- Line Tracking for Assembly-on-the-fly
The goal of this project is to develop a vision-guided robotic system that
can operate on a moving assembly line. |
- Distributed Online Localization of Wireless Camera-based Sensor Networks by Tracking Multiple Moving Objects
A typical wireless sensor network consists of a large number of sensor
nodes densely deployed in the field, each equipped with wireless communication,
sensing and computing capabilities with a limited power resource. |
- Sensor Selection Problem in Large Camera-Based Sensor Networks
Modern navigation, mapping and surveillance systems require numerous
vision sensors to be mounted at random locations over a geographically large area. |
- 3D Tracking of 3D Rigid Objects with Direct Image Alignment and Local Appearance Based Feature Matching
We demonstrate how by combining the notion of modular eigenspaces with
multiple keyframes, an image-alignment based tracking algorithm can be made to
accommodate large variations in 3D pose. |
- Model-Based 3D Rigid Objects Tracking
The goal of this work is to develop a visual object tracking system that
can give accurate 3D pose -- both position and orientation in 3D Cartesian space --
of a rigid object. |
- Content-Based Image Retrieval from large Medical Image Databases
Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) consists of retrieving the most
visually similar images to a given query image from a database of images. |
- Multimedia Database for Self-diagnosis of skin lesions
This project explores a novel approach to web-based self-diagnosis using
multimedia databases. |
- Interactive Image Segmentation
Segmentation is an important computer vision problem. Despite intensive
research for several decades, the problem stubbornly insists on being unsolved for
arbitrary images. |
- Computer Vision for Recognition of American Sign Language
This project offers a novel approach to the problem of automatic
recognition, and eventually translation, of American Sign Language (ASL). |
- Robust Motion Estimation under Varying Illumination
The optical-flow approach has emerged as a major technique for estimating
scene and object motion in image sequences. However, the problem of motion
estimation, in general, is made difficult by large illumination variations and by
motion discontinuities. |
- Person Following using a Vision-Guided Mobile Robot
We have developed a person following mobile robot with maintaining a
constant distance from a person using two cameras each of which has its own
pan/tilt unit (PTU). |
- Illumination Invariant Color Representation
The goal of this project is to develop a color space transformation
technique that adapts the color space to the color of the illuminant and leads a
new color representation that is more independent of the illumination intensity
and is more adapted to the spectral composition of the illumination than any of the
existing approaches. |
- Hierarchical Data Structure for Real-Time Background Subtraction
One of the drawbacks of background subtraction methods for motion
detection is a slow processing time. Consequently, real-time motion detection at
30 frames per second with an image size of 480 by 640 is not possible with these
methods. |
- Segmentation of Apple Fruit from Video via Background Modeling
The cost of labor for orchard tasks currently accounts for over 50% of
orchardists' costs. In addition, the seasonal nature of many orchard tasks and
high volume of workers needed results in a shortage of labor, especially for
harvest work. |
- 3D Modeling of Optically Challenging Real-World Objects
One of the challenges in 3D modeling results from the fact that many
real-world objects have surface materials that are not ideal for optical range
sensors. |
- Managing Complexity of Large/Ultra Large Software System
Today there exist many important applications in business and commerce
that consist of millions of lines of code that are becoming increasingly difficult
to maintain. |