Major General Jered P. Helwig visited Purdue and presented a seminar to PMRI officers on April 10, 2024
Major General Jered P. Helwig
U.S. Army
Commanding General
8th Theater Sustainment Command
Fort Shafter, Hawaii
Major General Jered Helwig was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Transportation Corps branch detailed to Armor in 1994 after graduating from Wheaton College with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications. Additionally, he has earned a Master of Science in Public Policy from Georgetown University and a Master of Science in National Resource Strategy from the National Defense University (Eisenhower School). Major General Helwig is a graduate of the Armor Officer Basic Course, Scout Platoon Leaders Course, Combined Logistics Advanced Course, Command and General Staff College, National Defense University (Senior Service College), and Jumpmaster School.Major General Helwig’s operational experience encompasses a career spent mostly in tactical units with two deployments in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, one deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq, one deployment in support of Operation Joint Guard in Bosnia and one deployment in support of Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti.
The 8th Theater Sustainment Command (8th TSC), as the senior Army logistics command in the United States Pacific Command's Area of Responsibility (AOR), provides command and control of all assigned and attached and units under its operational control; trains, equips and tailors forces, as required; plans and generates expeditionary combat support/combat service support capability; and provides timely and robust support of joint and combined forces across the full spectrum of military operations in order to maintain peace and stability, deter aggression, and fight and win in the Pacific AOR.