Current Members
Graduate Students
Xiaoyu Zhou, Ph.D. student
Xiaoyu is currently a Ph.D. student in Professor Sutherland's group. Her research interest is the application of geographic data analysis in the Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA). She is now working on projects related to TEA and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the critical materials.
Neha Shakelly, Ph.D. student
Neha Shakelly is a Ph.D. student being advised by Dr. John W. Sutherland. She has a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from Amrita University, India, and a Master's degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering from Purdue. For her Master's, she worked on creating digital twins for the characterization of carbon fiber-epoxy composite materials. Her research interest is in the application of optimization and operations research methods in the field of sustainable aviation fuels and alternate energy. She is currently working on Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) and Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of sustainable aviation fuel manufacturing and is supported by DOE in collaboration with PNNL and Lanza Tech.
Yue Yao, Ph.D. student

Yue Yao is from Shanxi, China, and is currently a Ph.D. student under supervision of Professor Sutherland and Professor Zhao. Yue received her B.S. degree in Environmental Science from Lanzhou University in China. She completed her M.S. program of Industrial Ecology at Leiden University and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Before coming to Purdue, she worked as an environmental consultant for the China Building Materials Federation and the Environmental Development Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China. Her research mainly focuses on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). She is now working on a project related to the integration of LCA and Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) into chemical design.
Chris Copeland, Ph.D. student
Chris Copeland is a Ph.D. student under supervision of Professor John W. Sutherland. He has a bachelors in Nuclear Engineering from Purdue University and is from Indianapolis Indiana. Prior work involved installation of the digital reactor instrumentation and control system for the nuclear reactor at Purdue. Prior research focused on the neutral beam injector for ITER as well as a prismatic high temperature gas-cooled reactor for industrial steam electrolysis. current research interests include the nuclear fuel life cycle as well as reprocessing and safe storage and disposal. He is currently working on supply chain analysis and the risks to manufacturing.
Yong Han Kim, Ph.D. student
Yong Han (Roy) is currently a Ph.D. student advised by Professor John W. Sutherland. Yong Han (Roy) received his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Hanyang University (Seoul, Korea) and received his M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. His main research interest is in Smart & Sustainable Manufacturing, addressing economic and environmental aspects to promote an effective pathway toward sustainability. Currently, he is working as a Research Assistant with the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and mostly interested in EV and semiconductor industries.
Albin John, Ph.D student
Albin is currently a PhD student advised by Prof. John W. Sutherland. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC), followed by a Master’s degree in Experimental Fluid Dynamics from the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), and then pursued an additional Master’s degree from EEE at Purdue University. He works on the TEA and LCA of critical material processing.
Ritbik Kumar, Ph.D student
Ritbik received his B.Tech degree in Marine Engineering from Indian Maritime University/ DMET (Kolkata, India). He is currently a Ph.D. Student in Environmental and Ecological Engineering at Purdue University. His interests includes Manufacturing and Optimization.
Camila Catherine de Morais Cassunde, Ph.D student
Camila Catherine de Morais Cassundé is currently a Ph.D. student under the guidance of Professor John W. Sutherland. Camila earned her B.S. degree in Architecture and Urban Planning in 2016 and her M.S. in Sustainability in 2024 from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) in Brazil. Her main interests lie in sustainability within the built environment and the use of biomaterials to enhance social sustainability. Presently, she is working as a Research Assistant on the TEA and LCA of critical material processing.
Jiapei Zhang, Ph.D student
Jiapei Zhang is from Beijing, China, and is currently a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Sutherland and Professor Zhao. Jiapei received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from ZJUT in China and completed his M.S. program in Engineering Management at Washington University in St. Louis. His current research interest focuses on battery recycling.
Laura Almeida Tinjaca, M.S. student
Laura Almeida Tinjaca is a master's thesis student co-advised by Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Cai. She holds a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from the National University of Colombia. Her research interests include urban sustainability, emerging transportation systems, industrial ecology and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Postdoctoral Researchers/Visiting Faculty/Scientist
Chandra Nath Ph.D. - Senior Research Associate (Senior Scientist)
Dr. Nath is a Senior Research Associate (Senior Scientist) in EEE at Purdue. He is also an Adjunct Faculty for teaching several courses in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science at the Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. Currently, along with Dr. Sutherland, he is co-supervising graduate students on several research projects funded by the US Federal Govt. agencies and industries and serving as a Co-PI on several projects. Dr. Nath has near 20 years of research and teaching experiences from Academia, Industry, and Govt Lab (Singapore). Dr. Nath was the PI or Co-PI in several industries and govt. R&D, and participated in funded projects from NSF, DOE, DOD, and NIST. He is the Co-Founder and Ex-CTO at Maijker Corp. (a Purdue spin-off), West Lafayette, IN, where, with partners, he was involved in developing a commercial smart machine monitoring system (from 2020-23), awarded and led the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC)-sponsored Elevate Venture Grants as the PI. Dr. Nath has fortune 100 experience gained as a Research Scientist in the Industrial Innovation Lab and the Automotive Products Research Lab at the Hitachi America R&D Division (2015-20). He invented and implemented several manufacturing processes and systems in Hitachi's automotive plants located in different states within the USA. He is holding several patents and IDs based on his invetion, and published nearly 70 journal and conference papers and three book chapters. His prior appointments include: i) Postdoc Fellow at Georgia Tech (2014-15), ii) Postdoc Fellow (2011-14) and Visiting Lecturer (2013-14) at UIUC, iii) Research Scientist at Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (2009-11), iv) Adjunct Faculty at National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore (2011-11), v) Lecturer at Chittagong university of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh (2005). He received a Ph.D. degree from NUS, Singapore in 2009, and a B.Sc. degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh in 2004, both in Mechanical Engineering. His research includes advanced manufacturing and design, machining, smart and sustainable manufacturing processes and systems, machine monitoring and automation, green manufacturing, tooling/cooling systems, metrology system, circular materials economy, and sustainability impacts on society, ecosystem, and environment.
More about Dr. Nath's Research Publications: Google Scholar Profile
Byung Gun Joung Ph.D. - Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Dr. Joung is currently a Post Doctoral Research Fellow. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer & Communication Engineering and received his M.S. degree from Electrical Engineering at Korea University, and completed his Ph.D. degree in EEE under advisement of Professor John W. Sutherland. His research focuses on (1) the smart and sustainable manufacturing system. (2) Improving production technology intrastructure of Indiana state through WHIN project.
More about Dr. Joung : Website