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Innovation for International Development (I2D) Lab Expo at Purdue

Innovation for International Development (I2D) Lab Expo at Purdue

Graduate student Justin Richter before his presentation poster
Justin S. Richter, a Ph.D. student from Purdue Environmental and Ecological Engineering, presented at the Innovation for International Development (I2D) Lab Expo on his work titled "Modeling the Social Impacts of Innovation through Industrial Production."

His work revealed how social impact metrics of innovative industries are also exported to other countries. He discussed how developing countries who consume goods, especially technology, from US manufacturers might not know how people in the US are affected. Justin expressed that he was, “encouraged by the interest in understanding how other people may be affected by the things they consume.” He continued, “We are not yet sure how the US compares to the rest of the world, but it could be another level of this work that lies ahead.”