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Caceres-Martinez, L.E., Saavedra-Lopez, J., Dagle, R.A., Gillespie, R., Kenttämaa, H., Kilaz, G. (2024). Influence of blending cycloalkanes on the energy content, density, and viscosity of Jet-A. Fuel. 358-A, 129986, ISSN 0016-2361. 
Ostanek, J.K., Parhizi, M., Li, W., Kilaz, G., Crompton, K.R. (2023).  CFD-Based Thermal Abuse Simulations including Gas Generation and Venting of an 18650 Li-Ion Battery Cell. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 170 090512.
Ikonen, K.E., Li, W., Ruonakangas, A., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H. (2023). Different Hydrocarbon Types in Jet Fuel as Determined by GCxGC/FID - An Alternative Method to D2425. Energy & Fuels. 37, 9, 6629–6641.
Li, W., Manheim, J., Fu, Y., Laaksonen, T., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H. (2023). Comparison of APCI orbitrap MS and GCxGC/EI TOF MS for the hydrocarbon analysis of heavy base oils. Fuel, Volume 343, 127993, ISSN 0016-2361.
Cacciatore, J., Vozka, P., Caceres-Martinez, L.E., Daneshkhah, A., Agarwal, M., Kilaz, G., Dietz, E. (2022). Characterization of Volatile Markers in Electronic Components via Solid-Phase Microextraction and Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Electron Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (GCxGC/EI-TOF-MS). International Journal of Modern Engineering, 23 (1), p. 22-28, ISSN 1930-6628.
Hillman, ET, Caceres-Martinez, L.E., Kilaz, G, Solomon, KV. (2022). Top-down enrichment of oil field microbiomes to limit souring and control oil composition during extraction operations. AIChE J.; e17927.
Guthrie, J. D., Romanczyk, M., Kilaz, G., Peretich, M. E., & Kenttämaa, H. I. (2022). Chemical Characterization and Quantitation of Phenols in Fuel Extracts by Using Gas Chromatography/Methane Chemical Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry. Energy & Fuels. 36, 19, 11962–11971.
Fu, Y., Li, W., Manheim, J., Milton, J., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H.I. (2022). Proton Affinities of Alkanes. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 33, 10, 1850–1857.
El-Shahat, A., Qian, J,. and Kilaz, G,. (2022). In brief Recent Background, Challenges, and Strategies for Electrified Aircraft Development. International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), pp. 1-6.
El-Shahat, A., Qian, J,. and Kilaz, G,. (2022). Challenges and Solutions Samples to Improve the Utilization of Electric Ships (Brief-State-of-The-Art). International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), pp. 1-5.
Parhizi, M., Jain, A., Kilaz, G., Ostanek, J. (2022). Accelerating the numerical solution of thermal runaway in Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 538, 231531, ISSN 0378-7753.
Parhizi, M., Caceres-Martinez, L.E., Modereger, B.A., Kenttämaa, H.I., Kilaz, G., Ostanek, J.K. (2022). Determining the Composition of Carbonate Solvent Systems Used in Lithium-Ion Batteries without Salt RemovalEnergies 15, no. 8: 2805.
Parhizi, M., Kilaz, G., Ostanek, J.K., Jain, A. (2022). Analytical solution of the convection-diffusion-reaction-source (CDRS) equation using Green's function technique. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 131, 105869, ISSN 0735-1933.
Jorge H. Ramirez Velasco, Kyle Petrosky, Gozdem Kilaz, Hilkka Kenttämaa, Rodney W. Trice. (2021). Thermochemical interaction of biofuel impurities with yttria-stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings, Ceramics International, Volume 47, Issue 17, Pages 24675-24682, ISSN 0272-8842.
Modereger, B. A., Nowling, S. E., Tang Jeff Zhang, W., Jones, M. L., Chapman, N., Cheng, Y., Vozka, P., Peretich, M. E., Kenttämaa, H. I., & Kilaz, G. (2021). Influence of Storage Conditions, Sample Handling, Sample Preparation, and Repeated Analysis on the Measured Flash Point and Hydrocarbon Composition of Jet A. Fuel, 305(May), 121399.
Alzarieni, K., Zhang, Y., Niyonsaba, E., Wehde, K., Johnston, C., Kilaz, G., and Kenttämaa, H.. (2021). Determination of the Chemical Compositions of Condensate-like Oils with Different API Gravities by Using the Distillation, Precipitation, Fractionation Mass Spectrometry (DPF MS) Method. Energy & Fuels, 35 (10), 8646-8656.
Jin, K., Vozka, P., Gentilcore, C., Kilaz, G., Wang, N.-H.L. (2021). Low-pressure hydrothermal processing of mixed polyolefin wastes into clean fuels, Fuel, 294, 120505.
Jin, K., Vozka, P., Kilaz, G., Chen, W.-T., Wang, N.-H. L. (2020). Conversion of polyethylene waste into clean fuels and waxes via hydrothermal processing (HTP), Fuel, 273, 117726.
Vozka, P., Kilaz, G. (2020). Determination of jet fuel system icing inhibitor by GC×GC-FID, Talanta, 218C, 121146.
Vozka, P., Kilaz, G. (2020). A review of aviation turbine fuel chemical composition-property relations, Fuel, 268, 117391.
Manheim, J., Wehde, K., Zhang, W. T. J., Vozka, P., Romanczyk, M., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaaa, H. I. (2019). Identification and Quantitation of Linear Alkanes in Lubricant Base Oils by Using GC×GC/EI TOF Mass Spectrometry, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 30, 2670-2677.
Niyonsaba, E., Easton, M.W., Feng, E., Yu, Z., Zhang, Z., Sheng, H., Kong, J., Easterling, L.F., Milton, J., Chobanian, H.R., Deprez, N.R., Cancilla, M., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H.I. (2019). Differentiation of Deprotonated Acyl, N- and O-Glucuronide Drug Metabolites by Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry Based on Gas-Phase Ion-Molecule Reactions Followed by Collision-Activated Dissociation, Anal. Chem, 91 (17), 11388-11396 
Li, A., Vozka, P., Mastrean, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao L. (2019). Lean Flammability Limits of Alternative Aviation Fuels, Fire Safety Journal, 108.
Vozka, P., Vrtiška, D., Šimáček, P., Kilaz, G. (2019). Impact of Alternative Fuel Blending Components on Fuel Composition and Properties in Blends with Jet A, Energy & Fuels, 33 (4), p. 3275-3289.
Romanczyk, M.,Velasco, J.R.V., Xu, L., Vozka, P., Dissanayake, P., Wehde, K.E., Roe, N., Keating, E., Kilaz, G., Trice, R.W., Luning Prak, D.J., Kenttӓmaa, H. (2019). The capability of organic compounds to swell acrylonitrile butadiene o-rings and their effects on o-ring mechanical properties, Fuel, 238, p. 483-492.
Ramirez, J., Kenttämaa, H.I., Kilaz, G., Trice, R.W. (2019). Application of biofuel impurities and effect on the hot corrosion of yttria-stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 358, p. 340-346.
Vozka, P., Šimáček, P., Kilaz, G. (2018). Impact of HEFA Feedstocks on Fuel Composition and Properties in Blends with Jet A, Energy & Fuels, 32 (11), p. 11595-11606.
Vrtiška, D., Vozka, P., Váchová, V., Šimáček, P., Kilaz, G. (2019). Prediction of HEFA content in jet fuel using FTIR and chemometric methods, Fuel, 236, p. 1458-1464.
Vozka, P., Modereger B., Park, A., Zhang, J., Trice, R., Kenttämaa, H., Kilaz, G. (2019). Jet fuel density via GCxGC-FID, Fuel, 235, p. 1052-1060.
Yerabolu, R., Kotha, R., Niyonsaba, E., Dong, X., Manheim, J., Kong, J., Riedeman, J., Romanczyk, M., Johnston, C., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H. (2018). Molecular Profiling of Crude Oil by Using Distillation Precipitation Fractionation Mass Spectrometry (DPF-MS), Fuel, 234, p. 492-501. 
Vozka, P., Mo, H., Šimáček, P., Kilaz, G. (2018). Middle distillates hydrogen content via GC×GC FID, Talanta, 186C, p. 140-146. 
Zhao, X., Zhang, Y., Cooper, B.C., Vozka, P., Kilaz, G. (2018). Optimization of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOF-MS) for conventional and alternative jet fuels analysis, Advanced Materials and Technologies Environmental Sciences, 2(1), p. 138-148.
Luning Prak, D.J., Romanczyk, M., Wehde, K.E., Ye, S., McLaughlin, M., Luning Park, P.J., Foley, M.P.,  Kenttӓmaa , H.I., Trulove, P.C., Kilaz, G., Xu, X., Cowart, J.S. (2017). Analysis of Catalytic Hydrothermal  Conversion Jet Fuel  and Surrogate Mixture Formulation: Components, Properties, and Combustion. Energy & Fuels, 31, p. 13802-13814. 
Vozka, P., Orazgaliyeva, D., Šimáček, P., Blažek, J., Kilaz, G. (2017). Activity comparison of Ni-Mo/Al2O3 and Ni-Mo/TiO2 catalysts in hydroprocessing of middle petroleum distillates and their blend with rapeseed oil. Fuel Processing Technology, 167, p. 684-694.
Zhang, X., Eren, N. M., Kreke, T., Mosier, N. S., Engelberth, A. S., Kilaz, G. (2017). Concentrated HCl Catalyzed 5-(Chloromethyl) furfural Production from Corn Stover of Varying Particle Sizes. BioEnergy Research, 1-7.
Kilaz, G.; Brender, R.; Sterkenburg, R. (2015). Alternative Gas Turbine Fuels Education for Aviation Technologists. ATEC Journal, 37(1), p. 4-11. 
Kilaz, G., Bist, S., Lopp, D. W., Stanley, D. L., Tao, B. Y. (2014). Investigation of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Jet Fuel. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 1.
Brender, R. F., Kilaz, G. (2014). Understanding ASTM Turbine Fuel Standard Specifications. International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 7(4), 124-133. 



Kilaz, G., Vozka, P. (2020) Set of standards for GC×GC-FID classification developing. U.S. Patent 2020/0132640 A1.


Conference proceedings

Ramirez-Velasco, J.H. , Kenttämaa, H., Kilaz, G., Trice, R.W. (2018, January) Biofuel Impurities on the Hot Corrosion of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings. International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, FL.
Li, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao, L. (2017, November). Lean Flammability Limit of Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels and Aviation Fuels. Paper presented at 6th International Energetic Materials and their Applications, Sendai.
Li, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao, L. (2017, October). Lean Flammability Limit of Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels and Aviation Fuels. Paper presented at China National Symposium on Combustion, Nanjing.
Li, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao, L. (2017, April). Lean Flammability Limit of Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels and Aviation Fuels. Paper presented at 10th US National Combustion Meeting, University of Maryland.
Kim, G., Futch, T., Sterkenburg, R., Ahsan, S., Kilaz, G., Kozak, B. (2017, February). Investigating The Effects of Fluid Intrusion on Nomex® Honeycomb Structures with Carbon Fiber Face Sheets. Paper presented at Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Jacksonville, FL.
Kilaz, G., Sterkenburg, R. (2016, July). Hybrid Course Design in Manufacturing Courses to Improve Learning in the Classroom. Paper presented at American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE’s), New Orleans, LA.
Futch, T. M., Kim, G., Zorilla, M., Kilaz, G., Sterkenburg, R. (2016, July). The effects of alternative turbine engine fuels on the mechanical properties of epoxy resin systems. Paper presented at Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE), Long Beach, CA.
Kilaz, G. (2015, October). Alternative aviation fuels fire safety. Poster presented at 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, San Francisco, CA. 
Futch, T. M., Musgrave, A., Kilaz, G., Sterkenburg, R. (2015, May). Investigating the Effects of Turbine Engine Fuels on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Aircraft Structures. Paper presented at Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), Baltimore, MD.

Student posters

Vozka, P., Romanczyk, M.,  Velasco, J. R., Trice, R., Kenttämaa, H., & Kilaz, G., Trice, R. (2018, October). Relationship between fuel chemical composition and fuel properties. Poster presented on the Annual ONR NEPTUNE Program Review, UC Davis, CA. 

Wehde, K., Dong, X., Borgohain, R., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (June, 2017). Validation of Miniature Coreflood Device Developed for Enhanced Oil Recovery by Compositional Analysis of the Initial and Extracted Crude Oil. Poster presented at American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference, San Diego, CA.

Manheim, J., Wehde, K., Zhang, J., Romanczyk, M., Vozka, P., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (June, 2017). Identification and Quantitation of Linear Saturated Hydrocarbons in Lubricant Base Oils by Using (APCI)LQIT MS and GCxGC/(EI)TOF MS. Poster presented at American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference, San Diego, CA.

Romanczyk, M., Velasco, J. R.,  Vozka, P., Xu, L., Wehde, K., Modereger, B.Trice, R., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (2017, November). Design of Next Generation Renewable FuelsPoster presented at the ONR Neptune Program Review, Annapolis, MD.
Romanczyk, M., Velasco, J. R., Wehde, K., Vozka, P., Modereger, B., Xu, L., Roe, N., Keating, E., Healy, J., Gordon, A., Trice, R., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (2017, May). Composition/Property/Performance Correlations for Rational Development of Renewable Aviation Fuels. Poster presented at the MIT Energy Initiative, Boston, MA.
Vozka, P., Romanczyk, M., Wehde, K., Velasco, J. R., Trice, R., Kenttämaa, H., & Kilaz, G. (2017, May). Alternative Aviation Fuel Chemistry-Performance Correlations Towards a Sustainable Future. Poster presented at the Purdue Spring Reception 2017, West Lafayette, IN.
Romanczyk, M., Wehde, K., Vozka, P., Kong, J., Velasco, J. R., Yerabolu, R., Kenttämaa, H., Kilaz, G., Trice, R. (2016, November). Fundamental Studies on Composition/Performance Correlations for Aviation Fuels. Poster presented on the Naval Enterprise Partnership Teaming with Universities for National Excellence, UC Davis, CA. (Program Review here)
Kong J., Zhao X., Velasco J., Romanczyk M., Kumar R., Yerabolu R., Henderson L., An Y., Fearnow D., Trice R., Kilaz G., & Kenttämaa, H. (2016, May). Fundemental Studies on Composition/Performance Correlations for Aviation Fuels. Poster presented on the NEPTUNE fair at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Kilaz, G., Brender, R., Sterkenburg, R. (2015, February). Methodology for Educating Future Aviation Technologists on ASTM Turbine Fuel Standard Specifications. Poster presented at Society for the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC), Palm Springs, CA.


Nanohub - Aviation Fuel Lecture


CNIT 581 Navy Leadership in Power and Energy - Purdue University online class