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Welcome to Fuel Laboratory of Renewable Energy (FLORE)

Kilaz research group focuses on sustainable energy and alternative liquid transportation fuels. We investigate fuel chemical composition utilizing state-of-the-art instruments, such as two-dimensional gas chromatographs. Our capabilities include, but are not limited to, fuel property testing following ASTM approved methods. Additionally, we evaluate the impact of chemical groups on specific fuel properties and/or performance. Our scope also encompasses development of fuel composition-property predictive models. Simultaneously, we collaborate with aircraft rescue and firefighting to investigate the potential fire safety characteristics that may be adversely affected by the alternative fuels chemical composition.


FLORE is a part of ASTM’s Aviation Turbine Fuel - (Jet A) Proficiency Testing Program provides laboratories with a statistical quality assurance tool, enabling them to compare, improve, and maintain, a high level of performance in the use of ASTM methods with other laboratories worldwide.