Purdue Deep Learning Summer Workshop 2018

Workshop Information

Day 1, Jun-20, Wed, 1pm - 5pm. EE 170
1pm - 3pm: Python Basic. RCAC server. Linux. Vim. Python. Numpy, Scipy.
Instructor: Xiangyu Qu (PhD year 1, Chan Lab)

3pm - 5pm: Tensor Flow Basic. Neural network. Build graph. Train a network. Test a network.
Instructor: Diyu Yang (PhD year 1, El Gamal Lab)

Day 2, Jun-21, Thu, 1pm - 5pm. EE 170
1pm - 3pm: Conv NN 1. Build your first CNN with tensor flow on MNIST dataset.
Instructor: Dr. Amir Ziabari (Postdoc, Bouman Lab)

3pm - 5pm: Conv NN 2. Adding nonlinear components to NN.
Instructor: Dr. Amir Ziabari (Postdoc, Bouman Lab)


Day 1, Part 1, Introduction, prepared by Stanley Chan
Day 1, Part 2, Python Basic, prepared by Xiangyu Qu [code]
Day 1, Part 3, TensorFlow Basic, prepared by Diyu Yang [code]

Day 2, Building Deep Networks, prepared by Amir Ziabari [code]

Organizing Committee

Prof Stanley Chan
Prof Charles Bouman
Dr Amir Ziabari
Xiangyu Qu
Diyu Yang