AAE Tutoring List
AAESAC has gotten requests from various AAE professors to create a list of students that would be willing to tutor students struggling in their introductory AAE classes. To meet this demand, AAESAC has set up a program where qualified upperclassmen would submit what classes they would be willing to tutor underclassmen in. In order to ensure that these tutors are qualified, it has been decided that a tutors must have a major GPA of at least 3.00 and have received at least a "B" in the classes that they are volunteering to tutor for. Underclassmen interested in receiving tutoring can contact AAESAC or Lisa Crain for obtaining a potential tutor's contact information. Any discussion about pay and hours is up to the tutor and student.
AAE Department Feedback
One of the main missions of AAESAC is to continually improve the department. In order to get greater feedback from the student body, faculty, you may fill out our survey linked below. AAESAC will work with the department to read over every suggestion and comment and implement any changes deemed necessary. Your contact information is entirely optional; it would be used to contact you for additional information if necessary.