Welcome to Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva's Group Website

Photo by Sam Barker Photography
I am looking for bright students to join our group with expertise in the areas of quantum photonics, machine learning, nanolasers, and novel optical materials.
Contact information
Alexandra Boltasseva
Ron And Dotty Garvin Tonjes Distinguished Professor Of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Courtesy Appointment in Materials
Engineering - Purdue University, Workforce Development Lead - Quantum Science Center
Address: School of Electrical
and Computer Engineering,
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University,
1205 West State Street,
West Lafayette,
Indiana 47907-2057
Phone: +1 765 494 0301
Email: aeb@purdue.edu
More info
Apart from browsing this site, you can learn about me and
research team by:
- following me on Twitter,
- checking out other tweeters' tweets related to my research and other professional activities,
- taking a look at my LinkedIn-, Frontiers of Engineering-, and optica.org profiles, or my full CV; in particular, my optica.org page features 3 video presentations which I encourage an interested visitor to view
- visiting web site of recently established Purdue Quantum Center
You are also invited to follow me on social media:
Our Projects and Us
January 2025: Our paper Bottom-up fabrication of 2D Rydberg exciton arrays in cuprous oxide came out in Nature Communications Materials.
December 2024: Purdue researchers tame the interplay of light and matter to build a 'playground' for novel physics - a Purdue Engineering News article highlighting our research.
December 2024: Check out our newly granted US Patent Machine learning assisted quantum super-resolution microscopy.
November 2024: Our paper Electron confinement–induced plasmonic breakdown in metals came out in Science Advances journal.
November 2024: The leaders of our research team Prof. A. Boltasseva and Prof. V. Shalaev have been recognized as "Highly Cited Researchers" by Clarivate™ in 2024. This recognition is a result of the inspired effort by the entire research team over many years. Prof. Shalaev enjoys this distinction by Clarivate™ continuously since 2017. More detail can be found in this Purdue news release.
September 2024: Our paper Slow electron-phonon relaxation controls the dynamics of the superconducting resistive transition came out in Phys. Rev. B journal.
September 2024: Purdue deep-learning innovation secures semiconductors against counterfeit chips, Purdue Newsroom, 16.09.2024 - an article highlighting our research.
September 2024: Purdue deep-learning innovation secures semiconductors against counterfeit chips, Purdue Newsroom, 16.09.2024 - an article highlighting our research.
September 2024: A news article entitled Single-Molecule-Like Aggregates in 2D Hybrid Perovskite Superlattices for Enhanced Optoelectronic Performance that highlights our research has been published on Purdue Chemical Engineering School news page.
September 2024: Our paper Two-dimensional-lattice-confined single-molecule-like aggregates came out in Nature journal.
July 2024: Our paper Authentication through residual attention-based processing of tampered optical responses came out in Advanced Photonics journal.
July 2024: Our paper How near-field photon momentum drives unusual optical phenomena: opinion came out in Opt. Mat. Express.
July 2024: Our paper Quantum emitters in aluminum nitride induced by heavy ion irradiation came out in APL Quantum journal.
May 2024: Our paper Molecular templating of layered halide perovskite nanowires came out in Science magazine.
May 2024: Prof. Alain Aspect (France) - the 2022 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics - visits Purdue for lecture series (wlfi.com, May 13, 2024), and meets our research team (pics below).
May 2024: Our tribute to Professor A. Weiner: Andrew M. Weiner (1958-2024)
April 2024: Our paper Reducing Effective System Dimensionality with Long-Range Collective Dipole-Dipole Interactions came out in Phys. Rev. Letters journal.
April 2024: Purdue's Golden Taps Ceremony - the latest has taken place on April 22, 2024 - is a time to honor the students who have passed away in the past year and to reflect upon their unfinished Purdue experience. We lost our research team member Zelong (Bruce) Ding last year, who we remember fondly today and always.

April 2024: Our research team member Sam Peana received Purdue University Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award in recognition of his demonstrated excellence and leadership in his PhD research related to the large scale manufacturing of single photon emitters in SiN/SiO2.
In the picture, S. Peana is with Prof. V. Shalaev.
April 2024: Our paper Photonic time crystals: from fundamental insights to novel applications: opinion is among Top Downloads from Optical Materials Express in March 2024.
April 2024: Check out recorded Campfire Session: Machine Learning and Photonics - Great Successes and Open Challenges - an informal-format virtual seminar for the Optica (optica.org) Technical Group on the topic of photonics and machine learning featuring Prof Boltasseva and Dr. Peter Wiecha, CNRS (France) presenting their vision on the topic, followed by a Q&A.
March 2024: Mighty MXenes are ready for launch - Nearly 15 years after their discovery, the 2D materials are close to market. But will they find their killer app?, C&EN, March 25, 2024 - A cover story about MXenes based on interviews with M. Naguib, B. Anasori, T. Torita, A. Boltasseva, and other leading researchers in the field.
February 2024: A paper Roadmap for Optical Metasurfaces, to which our research team member have contributed, came out in ACS Photonics journal.
February 2024: Our paper Plasmonic Enhancement of Second Harmonic Generation in Weyl Semimetal TaAs came out in Advanced Optical Materials journal.
December 2023: Our paper Designing Metasurfaces for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion came out in ACS Photonics journal.
November 2023: Our paper Wide-Range Angle-Sensitive Plasmonic Color Printing on Lossy-Resonator Substrates came out in Adv. Opt. Materials journal.
November 2023: A webinar entitled Advancing Quantum and Nano-Photonics with Machine Learning was held on November 1, 2023. You're invited to check it out by following the title link.
September 2023: Our paper Engineering the temporal dynamics of all-optical switching with fast and slow materials came out in Nature Communications.
September 2023: Our paper Nonlinear Loss Engineering in Near-Zero-Index Bulk Materials came out in Advanced Optical Materials journal.
September 2023: Faster than can be explained: Optical time crystals could revolutionize optics, SciTechDaily.com - a news article based on our paper Time-refraction optics with single cycle modulation
August 2023: Check out our newly issued patents:
- Method of making a metamaterial device (# US11726233B2).
- Optical device, method of using the same, and method of making the same (# US11733507B2).
August 2023: Alexandra (Sasha) Boltasseva has been appointed the Ron and Dotty Garvin Tonjes Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
August 2023: Purdue streak camera innovation could capture actions that last femtoseconds or less - a Purdue News article highlighting our research aimed at improving upon traditional streak cameras' performance whose time-resolution lies in the 600 to 800 femtosecond range.
August 2023: Advancing Quantum Super-Resolution Imaging with Machine Learning - a Purdue ECE News article highlighting our paper Machine learning assisted quantum super-resolution microscopy.
August 2023: Our paper Photophysics of Intrinsic Single-Photon Emitters in Silicon Nitride at Low Temperatures came out in Advanced Quantum Technologies journal.
August 2023: Our paper Machine learning assisted quantum super-resolution microscopy came out in Nature Communications.
May 2023: Our paper Time-refraction optics with single cycle modulation came out in Nanophotonics journal.
March 2023: "From circuit breakers to quantum photonics: the impact of women in Purdue Electrical and Computer Engineering", Purdue ECE News, March 8, 2023.
March 2023: "Purdue Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva wins Optica’s R. W. Wood Prize", Purdue ECE News, March 2, 2023.
February 2023: Our paper Photonic time-crystals - fundamental concepts [Invited] came out in Optics Express.
February 2023: Our paper Photonic time crystals: A materials perspective [Invited] came out in Optics Express.
February 2023: Our paper Coherent Random Lasing in Subwavelength Quasi-2D Perovskites came out in Laser & Photonics Reviews.
January 2023: Our paper Photonic time crystals: A materials perspective has been published in Oprica Open.
January 2023: Our paper Fabrication-conscious neural network based inverse design of single-material variable-index multilayer films came out in Nanophotonics journal.
January 2023: Our paper Tailoring the Thickness-Dependent Optical Properties of Conducting Nitrides and Oxides for Epsilon-Near-Zero-Enhanced Photonic Applications has been feaured in Purdue News article entitled Researchers tailor thickness of conducting nitrides and oxides to enhance their photonic applications.
January 2023: Our new paper Photophysics of Intrinsic Single-Photon Emitters in Silicon Nitride at Low Temperatures has been submitted to arXiv for early access.
December 2022: Our resarch team member Dr. D. Sychev presented at December 13th' session of the IUB Quantum Student Journal Club a talk entitled Using Classical Machine Learning to Improve Quantum Photonics (video below) based on our joint studies with Prof. Shalaev's group.
November 2022: Our paper Greatly Enhanced Emission from Spin Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Enabled by a Low-Loss Plasmonic Nanocavity came out in Nanoletters.
November 2022: We would like to bring to your attention a paper honouring our late colleague and friend - A tribute to the memory of professor Alexander K. Popov.
September 2022: Our paper Silicon Nitride Waveguides with Intrinsic Single-Photon Emitters for Integrated Quantum Photonics came out in "ACS Photonics". The paper is featured on journal's cover.
August 2022: Our paper Tailoring the Thickness-Dependent Optical Properties of Conducting Nitrides and Oxides for Epsilon-Near-Zero-Enhanced Photonic Applications came out in "Advanced Materials".
June 2022: Our paper Near-zero-index ultra-fast pulse characterization came out in Nature Communications.
June 2022: Our paper Thickness-Dependent Drude Plasma Frequency in Transdimensional Plasmonic TiN came out in Nano Letters.
May 2022: Our paper Challenges and prospects of plasmonic metasurfaces for photothermal catalysis came out in Nanophotonics journal.
May 2022: Our paper Transparent conducting oxides: from all-dielectric plasmonics to a new paradigm in integrated photonics came out in Advances in Optics and Photonics.
May 2022: Our paper Multimetallic Metasurfaces for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxidations in Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells came out in Laser & Photonics Reviews.

April 2022: Congratulations to our team member Sarah Chowdhury for receiving a 2022 J. A. Woollam Company Scholarship from the Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation.
January 2022: Our paper Understanding all-optical switching at the epsilon-near-zero point: a tutorial review came out in Applied Physics B.
January 2022: Our paper Optimizing Startshot Lightsail Design: A Generative Network-Based Approach came out in ACS Photonics.
January 2022: Our paper Machine learning framework for quantum sampling of highly constrained, continuous optimization problems came out in Applied Physics Reviews. This paper was highlighted in an AIP SciLight article Framework maps continuous-space inverse design problems for compression.
December 2021: "Purdue team discovers efficient single-photon emitters in technologically important SiN material platform" (Purdue ECE News)
December 2021: Our paper Room-temperature single-photon emitters in silicon nitride came out in Science Advances.
November 2021: For the second consecutive year Prof. A. Boltasseva is named in The Highly Cited Researchers™ list by Clarivate™.
October 2021: Our paper Visible photon generation via four-wave mixing in near-infrared near-zero-index thin films came out in Optics Letters.
October 2021: Our paper Creating Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Deterministically on Chip-Compatible Substrates came out in Nano Letters.
October 2021: Our paper Efficient Topology-Optimized Couplers for On-Chip Single-Photon Sources came out in ACS Photonics.
September 2021: I am honored and proud to be a part of the Optical Society's campaign Faces of Optica
September 2021: Study: First observation of high-harmonic generation in robust, refractory metals, Purdue News - highlights our research.
September 2021: The video clip below outlines our research activities:
August 2021: Our team member Soham Saha has been chosen to receive the 2021 Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation Award: Congratulations Soham for receiving this thoroughly deserved by you, prestigious award!
August 2021: Our paper High-harmonic generation in metallic titanium nitride came out in Nature Communications.
August 2021: A book Frontiers in Optics and Photonics (Edited by F. Capasso and D. Couwenberg) has recently been published (De Gruyter) to which we contributed a chapter entitled Machine learning-assisted global optimization of photonic devices.
July 2021: Our paper Tunable Metasurfaces: Controlling Light in Space and Time came out in Optics & Photonics News.
June 2021: Check out Prof. V. Shalaev's talk Empowering Quantum Photonics with Nanoplasmonics and Machine Learning at the recent QSC Quantum Summer School presenting our collaborative research in the field
and a stimulating panel discussion

May 2021: Our research team member Sarah Nahar Chowdhury receivs SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship. Congratulations, Sarah!

May 2021: Congratulations to our research team member Deesha Shah for receiving a Corning Women in Optical Communications Scholarship!
April 2021:

Remembering Professor Mark Stockman - a colleague and a friend (photo credit: N. Zheludev). You can learn more about Mark Stockman here.
April 2021: Congratulations to Deesha Shah for receiving the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship!
March 2021: Here's a video account of our recent Faculty Panel Amplify Your Research through Social Media Networking
March 2021: Happy to see our paper on Engineering photonic density of states using metamaterials in the top 0.5% of the published work cited and or downloaded from Applied Physics B in the past 4 decades! The paper is a result of collaboration among the research groups of Z. Jacob, A. Boltasseva, E. Narimanov, V. M. Shalaev.

January 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Soham Saha on fantastic PhD defense - we are so proud of you - best of luck with your future career!
January 2021: An OSA Photonic Metamaterials Technical Group Webinar
took place on January 27, 2021 - it can be viewed >>>
here <<<< /a>.
January 2021: Our papers
- Enabling optical steganography, data storage, and encryption with plasmonic colors
- Single and Multi-Mode Directional Lasing from Arrays of Dielectric Nanoresonators
came out in Laser Photonics Reviews.
December 2020: I am deeply honored to have been chosen a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, and I congratulate my colleagues who share this honor with me.
December 2020: Our paper Lithography-Free Plasmonic Color Printing with Femtosecond Laser on Semicontinuous Silver Films came out in ACS Photonics.
December 2020: Check out my MIDI Discussions seminar Advancing Photonic Device Design and Quantum Measurements with Machine Learning:
November 2020: Our paper Extraordinarily large permittivity modulation in zinc oxide for dynamic nanophotonics came out in Materials Today journal.
November 2020: Two Purdue ECE professors - A. Boltasseva and V. M. Shalaev - have been named to the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2020 by the Web of Science Group.
November 2020: Our paper Hybrid magneto photonic material structure for plasmon assisted magnetic switching came out in Opt. Mater. Express.
October 2020: Our paper Machine learning–assisted global optimization of photonic devices came out in Nanophotonics journal.

October 2020: Our paper Single‐Photon Sources: Chip‐Compatible Quantum Plasmonic Launcher came out in Advanced Optical Materials. The paper is highlighted on the journal's front cover.
October 2020: I am grateful to Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council of Purdue University for featuring me in NSAC Coffee Hour Interview. It was fun to chat about life in and beyond academia.
October 2020: Our paper Deep learning for the design of photonic structures came out in Nat. Photonics.
September 2020: Our paper Reduced optical losses in refractory plasmonic titanium nitride thin films deposited with molecular beam epitaxy came out in Optical Materials Express.
September 2020: A Purdue Press Release New machine learning-assisted method rapidly classifies quantum sources highlights our recent work: see ref below. The story was picked up by a number of Sci&Tech news outlets.
Our paper Rapid Classification of Quantum Sources Enabled by Machine Learning came out in Advanced Quantum Technologies journal.
August 2020: I am honored to have been appointed as Ron and Dotty Garvin Tonjes Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
August 2020: Check out our presentations at SPIE Optics + Photonics 2020 Digital Forum.
August 2020: Our paper Dynamically controlled random lasing with colloidal titanium carbide MXene came out in Opt. Mater. Express.
August 2020: Check out our newly granted patent (#US 10,739,261 B2) Surface-plasmon opto-magnetic field enhancement for all-optical magnetization switching.
July 2020: Our paper On-chip Single-layer Integration of Diamond Spins with Microwave and Plasmonic Channels came out in ACS Photonics.
July 2020: Our paper Enhancing the graphene photocurrent using surface plasmons and a p-n junction came out in Nature - Light Sci Appl.
June 2020: Our paper Determining plasmonic hot-carrier energy distributions via single-molecule transport measurements came out in Science magazine.
The paper prompted Press Releases from Purdue University and University of Michigan.
It is also highlighted in a Science Perspective article Interrogating hot electrons in tunnel junctions.
June 2020: Our paper Plasmonic and phononic properties of epitaxial conductive transition metal nitrides came out in Journal of Optics.
June 2020: Our paper Machine-learning-assisted metasurface design for high-efficiency thermal emitter optimization came out in Applied Physics Reviews.
This paper is highlighted in an AIP Scilight article Machine learning assists in the fast, efficient design of nanophotonic devices.
May 2020: Our research team member Deesha Shah receives the Teddi Laurin Scholarship.
May 2020: Our paper Ultrafast quantum photonics enabled by coupling plasmonic nanocavities to strongly radiative antennas came out in Optica magazine.
May 2020: Our paper Solar Thermoplasmonic Nanofurnace for High-Temperature Heterogeneous Catalysis came out in Nano Letters.
April 2020: Our paper TiN@TiO2 Core–Shell Nanoparticles as Plasmon‐Enhanced Photosensitizers: The Role of Hot Electron Injection came out in Laser & Photonics Reviews.
March 2020: Our paper Transdimensional material platforms for tunable metasurface design came out in MRS Bulletin.
March 2020: Our paper Adiabatic frequency shifting in epsilon-near-zero materials: the role of group velocity came out in Optica journal.
March 2020: Our research team member Shaimaa Azzam receives an Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award from Purdue College of Engineering.
March 2020: Check out my post Quantum is everywhere in Purdue College of Engineering blog.
February 2020: Our paper Negative Refraction in Time-Varying Strongly Coupled Plasmonic-Antenna–Epsilon-Near-Zero Systems came out in Phys. Rev. Letters.
February 2020: Our paper Broad Frequency Shift of Parametric Processes in Epsilon-Near-Zero Time-Varying Media came out in Applied Sciences journal
January 2020: Our research team member Xiaohui Xu receives an SVC Foundation Scholarship from the Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation.
January 2020: Our paper Dynamical Control of Broadband Coherent Absorption in ENZ Films came out in Micromachines journal.
December 2019: Our paper Superconductivity Behavior in Epitaxial TiN Films Points to Surface Magnetic Disorder came out Phys. Rev. Applied.
December 2019: Our paper High‐Speed, and Large‐Amplitude Dynamic Optical Switching with Yttrium‐Doped Cadmium Oxide came out in Advanced Functional Materials.
December 2019: Our review article Near-zero-index materials for photonics came out in Nature Reviews Materials.
October 2019: Our paper Colors with plasmonic nanostructures: A full-spectrum review came out in Applied Physics Reviews.
October 2019: Our papers
- Nonlinearities and carrier dynamics in refractory plasmonic TiN thin films
- Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths
September 2019:
Victor Georgievich Veselago
13 June 1929 – 15 September 2018
My very personal tribute to Victor Georgievich - I wish I could say this to him today.

With S. Beloussov, V. Shalaev, M. Lukin, and O. Painter, visiting the newly established Constructor Institute of Technology, Switzerland, September 2019
September 2019: Our paper Nonlinearities and carrier dynamics in refractory plasmonic TiN thin films came out in Optical Materials Express.
August 2019: Our paper Tuning Topology of Photonic Systems with Transparent Conducting Oxides came out in ACS Publications.
August 2019: Our review paper Plasmon‐Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting for Efficient Renewable Energy Storage came out in Advanced Materials.
July 2019: Light may increase magnetic memory speeds 1,000 times, decrease electricity consumption, Purdue Research Foundation News.
July 2019: Our group member Soham Saha has contributed to the collective wisdom of the nextgen scientists where it speaks to how to prevent research burnout. Take his (and others') advice to heart, and have a long, productive career in science.
July 2019: Our paper Strontium Niobate for Near‐Infrared Plasmonics came out in Adv. Opt. Materials.
June 2019: Our paper Photonic topological phase transition on demand came out in Nanophotonics.

June 2019: Our team member "Soham Saha has been awarded a 2019 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, for his potential contributions to the field of optics, photonics or related field".
June 2019: Check out our CLEO 2019 papers.
May 2019: Our paper Gap-plasmon enhanced water splitting with ultrathin hematite films: the role of plasmonic-based light trapping and hot electrons came out in Faraday Discussions.
May 2019: Our perspective article Overcoming quantum decoherence with plasmonics came out in Science magazine.
May 2019: Our paper Spatial and Temporal Nanoscale Plasmonic Heating Quantified by Thermoreflectance came out in Nano Letters.

April 2019: Our research team member Oksana Makarova received Richard W. King Award from Purdue Physics Department as the most outstanding Purdue Physics senior.
April 2019: Our group member Krishnakali Chaudhuri has received the 2019 College of
Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering. The Outstanding Research Award, initiated in 2013, seeks to recognize students who have demonstrated
excellence and leadership in research through the peer-reviewed journal and conference publications, the potential
contribution of research to the field of study, academic performance, participation in professional organizations
and willingness to mentor others.
March 2019: Our papers came out:
- Laser-induced color printing on semicontinuous silver films: red, green and blue in Opt. Mater. Express,
- Gap-plasmon enhanced water splitting with ultrathin hematite films: the role of plasmonic-based light trapping and hot electrons in Faraday Discussions.
January 2019: Boltasseva selected as inaugural Discovery Park fellow.
January 2019: Our paper Achieving full-color generation with polarization-tunable perfect light absorption came out in Optical Materials Express.
January 2019: Our research team memeber Aveek
Dutta secured 4th place at the Science Communication Shark Tank Competition in November of 2018 held at
Purdue's Birck Nanotechnology Center. The competition was aimed at explaining current research topics in science
and technology to the general public, and Aveek presented a talk entitled Solar Nanoprison: An Improved Path
to Clean Energy
January 2019: Our paper Photonic Spin Hall Effect in Robust Phase Gradient Metasurfaces Utilizing Transition Metal Nitrides came out in ACS Photonics. In this work, we've demonstrated efficient photonic spin Hall Effect in robust phase gradient metasurfaces utilizing the refractory transition metal nitrides TiN and ZrN. The work has been featured on one of the journal's covers.
January 2019: Our paper Transdimensional Photonics came out in ACS Photonics.
December 2018: Our news article 30 Million Single Photons Per Second — At Room Temperature came out in Optics & Photonics News.
December 2018: Our paper Formation of Bound States in the Continuum in Hybrid Plasmonic-Photonic Systems came out in Phys. Rev. Letters.
December 2018: Our paper Suppression of near-field coupling in plasmonic antennas on epsilon-near-zero substrates came out in Optica journal.
November 2018: My recent seminar at Purdue's Materials Science Department.
Watch the video with additional illustrative material (no pun intended:)) at Purdue's nanoHUB.
November 2018: Just sharing a few bits of information and thoughts ...
October 2018: Our paper On-Chip Hybrid Photonic-Plasmonic Waveguides with Ultrathin Titanium Nitride Films came out in ACS Photonics.
October 2018: Our paper Synchrotron radiation from an accelerating light pulse came out in Science Magazine.
The results described in the paper were highlighted in a Purdue press release entitled Light-bending tech shrinks kilometers-long radiation system to millimeter scale.
October 2018: Our work on ultrabright single-photon emission was featured in a Purdue press release entitled Toward unhackable communication: Single particles of light could bring the 'quantum internet'.
October 2018: Check out photos from 2018 New York Academy of Sciences' Blavatnik National Awards for
Young Scientists Ceremony: click on either of the images below.
The finalists with Mr. L. Blavatnik
With Dr. B. Grindlinger, Chief Scientific Officer, Scientific Programs & Blavatnik Awards at The New York Academy
of Sciences
September 2018: Our extended research group member Di
Wang received Best Student Paper Award at the SPIE Active Photonic Platforms Conference (San Diego,
CA, USA, August 19-23, 2018) for the paper entitled "Mapping temperature distribution of optically pumped gap
plasmon structure using thermoreflectance imaging".
August 2018: Check out our recently granted patent System for producing ultra-thin color phase hologram with metasurfaces.
August 2018: Our paper Material platforms for optical metasurfaces came out in Nanophotonics journal.
August 2018: Our paper Ultrathin and multicolour optical cavities with embedded metasurfaces recently came out in Nature Communications and prompted a Purdue University News article Low bandwidth? Use more colors at once.
July 2018: A Gordon Research Conference Plasmonics and Nanophotonics - Harvesting, Generating, and Manipulating Light at the Nanoscale has taken palce on July 8-13, 2018 in Newry, ME, USA. Profs. A. Boltasseva and V. Shalaev of Purdue have contributed.
 - small.jpg)
July 2018: Our paper Ultrabright Room-Temperature Sub-Nanosecond Emission from Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers Coupled to Nanopatch Antennas came out in Nano Letters.
July 2018: Our paper Controlling the Plasmonic Properties of Ultrathin TiN Films at the Atomic Level came out in ACS Photonics.
July 2018: Our paper Plasmonic Biomimetic Nanocomposite with Spontaneous Subwavelength Structuring as Broadband Absorbers came out in ACS Energy Letters.
June 2018: Congratulations to Dr Zhuoxian Wang on successful PhD defense! We are so proud of
June 2018: Check out my recent presentation at a Purdue President's Colloquia
June 2018: Our paper High-Resolution Large-Ensemble Nanoparticle Trapping with Multifunctional Thermoplasmonic Nanohole Metasurface came out in ACS Nano journal.
May 2018: The 2018 Blavatnik National Awards finalists announed. Prof. A. Boltasseva is among the finalists in the Physical Sciences & Engineering category. Learn more through Purdue News or Purdue College of Engineering News.

May 2018: Check out our CLEO 2018 papers.
May 2018:
Shaimaa Azzam - our research group member - received Outstanding Poster Presentation Award in OSA Optical Material Studies Technical Group at CLEO 2018.
The poster was an overview of the new computational nanophotonics and nanoscale multiphysics models Sh. Azzam developed.
Congratulations, Shaimaa!
May 2018: Our papers
- Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths
- Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics
are among most downloaded articles from Optical Materials Express in April 2018.
May 2018: Our paper Accelerating light with metasurfaces came out in Optica.
April 2018: Boltasseva provides final presentation for spring President's Colloquia events
April 2018: Switch controls light on a nanoscale for faster information processing, Purdue News
April 2018: Our paper Low-loss plasmon-assisted electro-optic modulator came out in NATURE.
February 2018: Our paper Optical Time Reversal from Time-Dependent Epsilon-Near-Zero Media came out in Phys. Rev. Letters.
January 2018: Our paper Hybrid Plasmonic Bullseye Antennas for Efficient Photon Collection came out in ACS Photonics.

December 2017: In memory of my physics teacher Valery Victorovich Gorbenko (10/22/1954 - 12/01/2017) - a humble Hero who taught me to believe in myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your life-long, ultimate devotion to your students; for your contagious enthusiasm, energy, radiance and true love for physics; for thousands of stories about physics and physicists you told us during physics classes with your incredible sense of humor; for our endless hours of solving physics Olympics problems in the empty school, and for your very warm, kind - and a little teasing - smile. Thank you, my Teacher, for always believing that I would become who I am. In Russian ...
November 2017: Check out our newly granted US patent System and method for manipulation of particles (US 9778400 B2)
November 2017: Our paper Nanolasers Enabled by Metallic Nanoparticles: From Spasers to Random Lasers came out in Laser & Photonics Reviews.
November 2017: Our paper Surface-plasmon opto-magnetic field enhancement for all-optical magnetization switching came out in Optical Materials Express.
September 2017: Our paper Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths is among most downloaded articles from Optical Materials Express in August 2017.
September 2017: Our collaborative with Danish team paper Large-Area Ultrabroadband Absorber for Solar Thermophotovoltaics Based on 3D Titanium Nitride Nanopillars came out in Advanced Optical Materials.
September 5, 2017: A former member of our research team - Prof. J. Ndukaife has been awarded 2017 Prize in Physics by Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation for his work on plasmonnic nano-optical tweezers. Congratulation, Justus! I am so proud of you. Visit your academic home soon!
September 2017: Our paper Patterned multilayer metamaterial for fast and efficient photon collection from dipolar emitters came out in Optics Letters.
September 2017: Check out most recent Instagram #FacesofPhotonics entries
August 21, 2017: Purdue researchers explore new chapter of physics, Purdue News
August 2017: Our papers
- Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths
- Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics
are among most downloaded articles from Optical Materials Express in July 2017.
August 2017: Alexandra Boltasseva receives SPIE Fellows award.
July 2017: Congratulations to our research team member Mikhail (Misha) Shalaginov for successful
defense of his PhD work entitled "Novel plasmonic materials and nanodevices for integrated quantum photonics".
Misha (standing between the youngest team members Michelle and Alice in the picture below) will be soon joining
J.J. Hu Photonic Materials Group at MIT as a Postdoctoral Associate.
Click on the pick to view its larger version.
July 2017: Our paper Electron spin contrast of Purcell-enhanced nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in nanodiamonds came out Phys. Rev. B.
July 2017: Check out my recent interview with International Business Times.
July 2017: Our papers
- Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths
- Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics
are among most downloaded articles from Optical Materials Express in June 2017.
June 2017: Our paper Controlling hybrid nonlinearities in transparent conducting oxides via two-colour excitation came out in Nature Communications.
May 2017: Our paper Optical Properties of Plasmonic Ultrathin TiN Films came out in Advanced Optical Materials.
May 2017: Check out our newly published CLEO 2017 papers
May 2017: Our papers
- Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths
- Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics
are among 5 most downloaded articles from Optical Materials Express in April 2017.
May 2017: Our paper Hybrid plasmonic waveguides formed by metal coating of dielectric ridges came out in Optics Express.
May 2017: Thank you, Professor Nate Kinsey, for coming back for hooding! I'm so proud of you!
May 2017: So proud of my stellar student - Justus Ndukaife - now Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt
May 2017: Our paper Plasmonics on the slope of enlightenment: the role of transition metal nitrides is among 25 most-read Faraday Discussions articles in 2016.
May 2017: Our paper Broadband Hot Electron Collection for Solar Water Splitting with Plasmonic Titanium Nitride was among 5 most downloaded papers from Advanced Optical Materials journal in April 2017.
April 2017: Our paper Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Nanostructures via Nitridation of Nanopatterned Titanium Dioxide is among top 5 downloads from Advanced Optical Materials in March 2017. It was also featured on the back cover of issue 7 (v.5) of the journal and in an article in Advanced Science News.
April 2017: Our paper Temperature-Dependent Optical Properties of Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Thin Films came out in ACS Photonics.
April 2017: Our paper Temperature-Dependent Optical Properties of Single Crystalline and Polycrystalline Silver Thin Films came out in ACS Photonics.
April 25, 2017: Our paper Pancharatnam-Berry Phase Manipulating Metasurface for Visible Color Hologram Based on Low Loss Silver Thin Film came out in Advanced Optical Materials.
April 13, 2017: Congratulations to my stellar grad student Justus Ndukaife on his final PhD
examination, and best of luck to him as he continues his career at Vanderbilt University, the Faculty of
which he will soon join as an Assistant Professor!
April 2017: Our papers
- Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics
- Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths
March 2017: Our paper High-Performance Doped Silver Films: Overcoming Fundamental Material Limits for Nanophotonic Applications, came out in Advanced Materials.
March 2017: Check out our newly published conference papers
- Titanium nitride based hybrid plasmonic-photonic waveguides for on-chip plasmonic interconnects
- Patterning metamaterials for fast and efficient single-photon sources
March 2017: Our paper Evolution of Metallicity in Vanadium Dioxide by Creation of Oxygen Vacancies came out in Phys. Rev. Appl.
March 2017: SPIE: Celebrating Alexandra Boltasseva, 2017 SPIE Fellow, for achievements in plasmonic materials.
February 2017: Biggest Thanks to my stellar student Justus Ndukaife for his tribute.
February 2017: Our paper Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics is among February 2017 Optical Materials Express top downloads.
February 2017: Thank you, Prof. Nathaniel Kinsey, VCU, for this tribute story! The biggest reward a mentor can get!
11 Feb is #womeninscience day. OSA encourages members to pay tribute to a female mentor through our site.
January 30, 2017: An interview with Prof. A. Boltasseva appeared on EEWeb site.
January 25, 2017: Professor Alexandra Boltasseva elevated to SPIE Fellow.
January 2017: Check out our recent work on Graphene photodetector enhanced by fractal golden 'snowflake' highlighted on Phys.org.
January 2017: Alexandra Boltasseva - Discovering new plasmonic materials - a SPIE interview
November 2016: Profs. A. Boltasseva and V. Shalaev with Prof. A. Bement (in the middle) at Purdue
Excellence in Research Banquet:
October 2016: Prof. A. Boltasseva participated with the MRS team in Congressional Visits Day in Washington DC.
- Meeting with Indiana representative Todd Rokita
- On the Hill with Dr Matt Copel, IBM and Dr Loucas Tsakalakos, GE.
September 2016: A plenary talk given by Prof. A. Boltasseva at 2016 SPIE Optics and Photonics is now online.
September 2016: OSA OMEx Editor A. Boltasseva discusses the impact of optics on our lives.*****
September 2016: Our papers
- Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths and
- Temperature-dependent optical properties of gold thin films
August 2016: Learn about computational graphene nanophotonics/plasmonics effort at Purdue led by Prof. A. Kildishev.
August 11, 2016: Congratulations to our group member Jongbum Kim (in the picture below, second from the left in front row) who passed his final examination today and gave an excellent talk on transparent conducting oxides for infrared applications! (Click on the picture to view its larger version.)
August 2016: Check out Roadmap on optical metamaterials, now available online.
August 2016: OSA celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2016. As part of the celebration, Prof. Boltasseva contributed an interview, where she shares her thoughts on the impact of modern optics on our lives and the role OSA plays in advancing it.
July 2016: Check out video from Frontiers in Nonlinear Physics Conference, July 17-25, 2016 (a new window will open).

July 2016: Our group member Justus Ndukaife (picture on the right) has been elected as the co-chair of the 2018 Gordon Research Seminar on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics.
As GRS co-chair, Justus will assist in developing a rigorous, forward-looking scientific program, selecting speakers from submitted abstracts and selecting discussion leaders who will facilitate thought-provoking discussions, managing the conference budget, as well as attract a diverse audience of participants.
Justus was also selected to give a presentation on his area of research as the "Late-Breaking Topic" at the 2016 Gordon Conference on plasmonics and Nanophotonics! His presentation was entitled: "Shaping the Future of Plasmon Nano-Optical Tweezing" (picture below). Congrats to Justus for this well-deserved recognition.


June 25-29, 2016: Profs. A. Boltasseva and V. Shalaev attended The International Symposium on Nano-Optics and Plasmonics in Hengyang, China. Our biggest and special thanks to the organizers and, especially, to Prof. Cheng-Wei Qui (National University of Singapore and Hengyang Normal University)! During the visit, Prof. Boltasseva promoted OSA's Optical Materials Express journal - in the picture on the left, A. Boltasseva with former Deputy Editor of the journal Prof. Yanqing Lu, Nanjing University.
June 2016: Prof. Boltasseva gave an invited talk at NanoPlasm 2016 Conference, Cetraro, Italy, and spoke at the awards ceremony as the first recipient of Daniela Pucci's prize in 2014. Congratulations to Prof. Nicole Steinmetz - 2016 Daniela Pucci's prize recipient!
June 2016: Congratulations to Dr. Nathaniel Kinsey (in front row in the pic below) who successfully passed his final PhD defense! We wish him the best of luck as he begins his new position as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University!

June 2016: Our group member Justus Ndukaife was selected to give an invited talk at the 2016 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics. Justus will be giving a talk entitled: "Shaping the Future of Plasmon Nano-Optical Tweezing". Please see details here. The 2016 GRS meeting on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics will focus on new developments and applications in the field of plasmonics and nanooptics. Congrats to Justus for this well-deserved recognition!
May 2016: Catching up over ice cream with former group member Dr. Gururaj Naik at CLEO 2016 in San Jose, CA.

May 2016: A new video below describes in some detail nanophotonics effort led by Professors V. Shalaev, A Boltasseva, and A. Kildishev at Purdue's Birck Nanotechnology Center.
Exerpts from this video appear in the sections describing relevant projects on pages

April 2016: Our group member Justus Ndukaife has received the 2016 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Outstanding Research Award recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in research through publications, participation in professional organizations and willingness to mentor others.
Justus was recognized for his outstanding research accomplishments and leadership skills. Justus's works have been published in several top peer-reviewed journals including Science, Nature Nanotechnology, ACS Nano and Nano letters and presented at several leading conferences and meetings including Gordon Research Conference, Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics, Materials Research Society meetings and SPIE Optics and Photonics conference. He is also a co-inventor of four technologies with patent pending in the United States. In addition to conducting cutting-edge research, Justus also serves as a student leader. He is currently the President of the Purdue Student Chapter of the Optical Society and the Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council.
Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva are visiting Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. In the pictures below: Niels Bohr office and the famous Aauditorium.
March 2016: Profs. A. Boltasseva and V. Shalaev visited Prof. Marcello Ferrera at Heriot-Watt University and Prof. Matteo Clerici at Glasgow University. In the picture below, in front of the beautiful Glasgow University (left to right): Profs. Clerici, Shalaev, Boltasseva, Ferrera and Prof. Lucia Caspani.
March, 2016: Our group member Justus Ndukaife has received the 2016 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Image from: Justus C. Ndukaife et al., SCIENCE 351:334 (2016). ILLUSTRATION: V. ALTOUNIAN/SCIENCE. Reproduced with permission from AAAS.
Justus in his PhD research addressed a long-standing challenge in the field of plasmon-enhanced optical tweezing relating to the inability of the state-of-the-art plasmonic nanotweezers to dynamically and rapidly load the plasmonic trap on-demand. The state-of-the-art plasmonic nanotweezers rely on Brownian diffusion to load the trap, which is slow and takes several tens of minutes to hours to trap the target nanoscale objects. Justus developed a new kind of plasmonic nanotweezers called "Hybrid Electrothermoplasmonic Nanotweezers (HENT)" that enable rapid and high resolution trapping of individual nano-objects within a few seconds - an important result with promising applications in Life Science and Quantum Photonics.
January, 2016: Our paper Plasmonics on the slope of enlightenment: the role of transition metal nitrides was highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology editorial.
January, 2016: Our recent Science perspective, Plasmonics - turning loss into gain, highlights applications where plasmon-enhanced loss of light energy, accompanied by local heating of the medium, is used to technological advantage.
January, 2016: Prof Boltasseva describes her vision for the Journal as the new Editor-in-Chief for OSA's Optical Materials Express.
January, 2016: Alexandra Boltasseva Assumes Role of Optical Materials Express Editor-in-Chief.
December 14, 2015: Visit to Data Storage Institute, Singapore: with Drs. Naresh Emani, Arseniy Kuznetsov, Reuben Bakker and Zhengtong Liu. It was great to see the members of our scientific family!
November 2015: Emani, N. K., Wang, D., Chung, T.-F., Prokopeva, L. J., Kildishev, A. V., Shalaev, V. M., Chen, Y. P. and Boltasseva, A., Plasmon resonance in multilayer graphene nanoribbons. Laser & Photon. Rev., 9: 650-655 (2015). doi: 10.1002/lpor.201500058. Picture from this paper was used for the inside front cover of the Laser & Photonics Reviews issue where it appeared.
November 2015: Please check out our latest work on plasmonic wavegudies.
November 2015: Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva with Prof. Arden Bement at Purdue Excellence in
Research Banquet.
November 2015: Our paper Hybrid Electroplasmomic Nanotweezer(HENT): Shaping the Future of Nanomanipulation was selected to receive The 2015 ASME Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum Best Paper Award.
November 2015: Our group member, Justus Ndukaife, received "Best Poster Award" at the NSF student poster competition during the ASME 2015 IMECE conference held in Houston on Nov 17, 2015. His poster was entitled " Hybrid Electroplasmonic Nanotweezer: Shaping the future of nanomanipulation". Congrats to Justus for this well-deserved recognition!
November 2015: Prof A. Boltasseva is featured in 2016 SPIE Women in Optics Planner.
October 2015: Our group member Nathaniel Kinsey tied for first place for the Active Photonic Materials VII Conference Best Student Paper Award.
August 2015: Prof. A. Boltasseva, Prof. V. Shalaev and Dr. U. Guler (picture below) are in Purdue Research Foundation Spotlight for their NMTI start-up related activities.


July 30, 2015: WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Researchers have created a new "plasmonic oxide material" that could make possible devices for optical communications that are at least 10 times faster than conventional technologies (Purdue News, learn more). The paper that generated this news is available on-line.

July 28, 2015: Our paper Zinc Oxide Based Plasmonic Multilayer Resonator: Localized and Gap Surface Plasmon in the Infrared is available online!
International School Of Physics "Enrico Fermi" Complex Photonics has taken place in Varenna, Lake Como, July 13-18, 2015 (see participants in the picture below; click on the pic to view its larger version). Prof. A Boltasseva was a lecturer at the School, and J. Ndukajfe and S. Bogdanov from A. Boltasseva's and V. Shalaev's research groups were among the participants.

8th International Conference on Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media (ETOPIM-10) has taken place in Neveh Ilan, Israel, June 21-26, 2015 (see the participants of ETOPIM-10 in the picture below; click on the pic to view its larger version).
July 2015: Professor A. Boltasseva has been elected a Senior Member of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE).
July 2015: Professor A. Boltasseva gave an Optical Society of America (OSA)'s webinar on Practical Nanophotonics with Plasmonic Ceramics. The webinar had 202 registrants, and 86 made it to the live presentation! A big thanks goes to OSA's technical group on Nanophotonics - with special thanks to Volker Sorger - and OSA technical team for organizing the webinar!
June 25, 2015: The list of Creative Young Engineers Selected to Participate in NAE's 2015 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium has been published. Prof. A. Boltasseva will be a speaker at the Symposium.
The International Year of Light Minisymposium "Nanostructured optical fields" in honor of Sergey Bozhevolnyi, University of Southern Denmark, has taken place in June 2015 (see pics below).

June 22, 2015: Prof. A. Boltasseva is featured on Frontiers of Engineering website.
May 2015: Prof. A. Boltasseva was recognized as OSA Fellow at CLEO 2015 (see the pictures below: click on a picture to view its larger version) Plenary and Awards Session. Biggest thanks to all our group members for their great work! Please visit cleoconference.org to learn about talks and events.

Ceremony on 13 May 2015 during the CLEO 2015 Conference
(with OSA President Prof. Dr. Philip St. J. Russell)

April 2015: Justus Ndukaife and Nate Kinsey win second and third place in the NSAC Graduate Student Research Symposium Poster Competition hosted at Birck Nanotechnology Center. The event highlighted research conducted by graduate students within Purdue’s Discovery Park and covered a wide range of disciplines. Justus presented his work on nanoscale plasmon optofluidics while Nate highlighted new research on the ultrafast optical tuning of aluminum doped zinc oxide. Congratulations to Justus and Nate!
February 2015: Prof. A. Boltasseva became a Senior Member of IEEE
March 19, 2015: Purdue University News: Plasmonic ceramic materials key to advances in nanophotonics for extreme operational conditions - "Progress in developing nanophotonic devices capable of withstanding high temperatures and harsh conditions for applications including data storage, sensing, health care and energy will depend on the research community and industry adopting new plasmonic ceramic materials, according to a commentary this week in the journal Science".
March 2015: PhD student in our group Nate Kinsey Wins College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award (see the pic below). The award recognizes top students who conduct groundbreaking and impactful research and influence their research group and community through leadership and outreach. One student from each of the College of Engineering disciplines is chosen, and Nate is this year's representative for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Congratulations to Nate!

February 23, 2015: Graduate Student N. Kinsey wins Purdue Wide Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship. Nathaniel Kinsey, a third year PhD student of Prof. Boltasseva, has been awarded the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship after a competition throughout the entire Purdue Graduate School. Nate's research has focused on developing integrated nanophotonics devices using a suite of alternative plasmonic materials. The Bilsland Fellowship will support Nate for the remainder of his doctorate degree where he will continue to pursue integrated nanophotonics as well as quantum plasmonics. Congratulations to Nate!
February 2015: Our graduate student - Mikhail Shalaginov - has been featured on the Graduate School's Facebook and Google+ pages. Congratulations, Mikhail!
February 2015: Prof. A. Boltasseva has been invited to speak at the 2015 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium scheduled for September 9-11, 2015, at the National Academies' Beckman Center in Irvine, California. The total number of participants at the symposium will be about 100 engineers, ages 30-45, from industry, academia, and government labs.
February 2, 2015: Our group member Jongbum Kim has been selected as a Symposium Assistant by the organizers of the 2015 MRS Spring Meeting! He will be chairing Symposium V: Resonant Optics - Fundamentals and Applications. Congratulations to Jongbum!
February 2015: Our new MURI website is online! Please check out our news and recent projects.
January 2015: Conference photos of the META series conferences (from 2008 to 2014) are being added to META Facebook page. Check them out and don't forget to "Like" them!
January 13, 2015: 'Single-photon emission enhancement' seen as step toward quantum technologies (Purdue News) A hyperbolic metamaterial comprised of alternating layers of titanium nitride and aluminum scandium nitride has been used by the research groups of Purdue Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva to enhance the rate of single-photon emission by nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. The application areas of single-photon sources include quantum communications and quantum computing.
November 2014: Prof. A. Boltasseva and Prof. V. Shalaev elected to Purdue Innovator Hall of Fame for developing plasmonics to advance optical technologies, improve data-storage capabilities and solar thermophotovoltaic cell performance.
November 21, 2014: NMTI announces breakthrough solutions for HAMR nanoantenna for next-generation ultra-high density magnetic data storage. "Researchers at Nano-Meta Technologies Inc. (NMTI) in the Purdue Research Park have shown how to overcome key limitations of a material that could enable the magnetic storage industry to achieve data-recording densities far beyond today's computers. (Purdue News)." This is the promise of HAMR (Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording) technology.
November 19, 2014: Purdue team - Alexandra Boltasseva, Vlad Shalaev and Alex
Kildishev (see photo below) - was recognized at the Purdue "Excellence in Research Awards Dinner" by
the Seed for Success award for their grants from the U.S. Army Research Office and MURI program from the Office of
Naval Research (led by Professor Mark Stockman, GSU: on
the photo in the middle).

November 2014: Justus C. Ndukaife has been selected to receive the prestigious NSBE Golden Torch Award as the “Graduate Student of the Year”. The award recognizes an outstanding graduate student that has demonstrated superior academic excellence and leadership in engineering or other technical fields, and whose legacy will serve as a role model to other students. Justus will be receiving the award during the 18th Annual Golden Torch Awards Ceremony in Anaheim, California. Congratulations to Justus for this very well deserved recognition!

November 2014: Congratulations to Jongbum Kim who passed his preliminary PhD examination on November 10th!! Jongbum’s lecture focused on Plasmonic Devices Based on Transparent Conducting Oxides for Near-IR applications.

November 2014: Congratulations to Naresh Emani who passed his final PhD examination on November 4th!! Naresh's lecture focused on Dynamic Control of Plasmonic Resonances with Graphene Based Nanostructures. In the picture: Naresh (second from the left) with Profs. A. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva and V. Shalaev.
October 2014: The Board of Directors of The Optical Society of America (OSA) elected Alexandra Boltasseva a Fellow of OSA at its October 20th meeting in Tuscon, Arizona. She is being recognized for seminal contributions to the fields of nanophotonics and new plasmonic materials.
October 2014: Our group member Justus C. Ndukaife was recently profiled in The Punch (the most widely read newspaper in Nigeria). In the inspiring Q&A, Justus shared his academic experience on how he began his academic journey and his strong motivation and determination to succeed. His experience demonstrates that with persistence, determination and focus, anyone can become better and successful.
October 2, 2014: A Purdue press release is featuring the main R&D areas of Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. - A Purdue-based start-up led by Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva. Those R&D areas include the use of novel refractory plasmonic materials for i) ultra-high-density heat-assisted magnetic data recording, ii) highly efficient solar- and waste-heat/combustion energy harvesting/conversion, and iii) photothermal cancer therapies. The press release links to a video clip on the subject, produced by the Purdue Office of Technology Commercialization.
September, 2014 - Our former graduate student Gururaj Naik wrote a wonderful poem as his farewell gift. He kindly agreed to share it with all of us. Enjoy.

October 7-8, 2014 - Alexandra Boltasseva is invited to participate in Congressional Visits Day, Washington, DC, in October (picture on the left). The group of participants is comprised primarily of members of the MRS Presidential Line and Board of Directors as well as Government Affairs Committee leadership.
August 21, 2014 - Alexandra Boltasseva is featured in Wiles Magazine's annual Hot List compiled with female engineers in a variety of fields.
July 30, 2014 - It is time to say farewell to Paul West who contributed tremendously to our group’s fabrication portfolio acquiring and working with advanced glancing angle deposition (GLAD) system within transformation optics project. Paul has accepted an offer from Intel and left for Portland. Good luck with everything, Paul, and visit your Purdue family soon!
See Paul’s ART GALLERY here!
June 23, 2014 - Congratulations to our group member Naresh Emani who got SPIE travel grant to attend SPIE Optics and Photonics conference in San Diego, CA, August 16-21, 2014. Congratulations!
June 23-24, 2014 - Alexandra Boltasseva and Vladimir Shalaev gave short courses on nanophotonics, plasmonics and optical metamaterials at Kazan Federal University, laboratory on Nanophotonics led by Prof. Sergey Kharintsev. See a nice pic ...
June 16, 2014 - Alexandra Boltasseva receives an inaugural "DANIELA PUCCI" prize at NanoPlasm Conference, June 16-20, 2014, Cetraro, Italy for her invited talk on new plasmonic ceramics for nanophotonic applications.

"It is a great honor to receive this prize - and a great responsibility too. Prof. Pucci was a talented researcher, a passionate teacher and a great human being. She is greatly missed. I will do my very best to carry her passion for science, her love for life, her spirit and her dreams."
Please read about Prof. Daniela Pucci here.
May 18, 2014 - Gururaj Naik, a former member of our group (now Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University) who did outstanding work on new
plasmonic materials, visited his "Purdue family" this May for the Graduation Ceremony. Congratulations
again, Guru! Keep up the good work and visit us often.
May 12, 2014 - Purdue News: Advance brings 'hyperbolic metamaterials' closer to reality.
May 6, 2014 - SPIE Newsroom: Plasmonic materials that are compatible with standard processing techniques can be used for optical waveguides and modulators without sacrificing performance and functionality.
April 18, 2014 - A Purdue press release and a paper "Refractory Plasmonics" (Science, 344, 263-4 (2014)) highlight our work on refractory plasmonic materials/thermo-plasmonics with potential applications in thermal photovoltaics, heat assisted magnetic recording of data on computer hard drives and photo-thermal cancer therapy.
April 14, 2014 - Professor Alexandra Boltasseva chosen as University Faculty Scholar
February 28, 2014: Politiken - one of Denmark's leading newspapers - published an article Women and humanists rarely get Elite Researcher Awards featuring Alexandra's picture from her award's year. Since 2007, 40 prizes have been awarded but only 4 women got the prize.
December 6, 2013: Alexandra was featured in the article Alexandra Boltasseva: A Rising Star, published by The Institute - the member newspaper of the IEEE.
October 24, 2013: Alexandra Boltasseva has been elected to become a new member of the Board of Directors of the Materials Research Society for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2014. The top-rank MRS Officials, Orlando Auciello (President) and Todd M. Osman (Executive Director), congratulated Alexandra on her election to the MRS Board of Directors.

June 2013: Alexandra Boltasseva accepts IEEE Photonics Society 2013 Young Investigator Award at CLEO 2013 plenary session (picture on the left; with IEEE Photonics Society President Hideo Kuwahara).
May 20, 2013 - Our OMEx papers on titanium nitride and transparent conducing oxides as plasmonic materials have been the TOP OMEx downloads over the past two years.

Gururaj Naik, a recent graduate from our group, wins IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) 2013 Graduate Student Fellowship/! The award will be presented to Gururaj on September 9th at IEEE Photonics Conference.
Gururaj Naik (picture on the left), receives Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award from the College of Engineering, Purdue University. The prestigious award recognizes his excellence in research. Gururaj's research focuses on developing new plasmonic materials and devices that pave the way for plasmonic and metamaterial technologies. Learn more ....

Professor Alexandra Boltasseva receives 2013 MRS Outstanding Young Investigator Award. The award will be presented at the 2013 MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco on Wednesday, April 3, 2013.
2013 MRS Prof. A. Boltasseva was interviewed by MRS TV: watch the interviewIn the picture on the left: MRS Award Ceremony, April 3rd 2013, Alexandra Boltasseva and Orlando Auciello, MRS president (Argonne National Laboratory)
Professor Alexandra Boltasseva wins 2013 Young Investigator Award from IEEE Photonics Society "For seminal contributions to the development of metal-dielectric waveguides for integrated optics and novel approaches for realization of nanoplasmonic devices." - December 5, 2012, Purdue Spotlight
Purdue Impact Online - Summer 2012 - New 'metamaterial' practical for optical advances.
June 21, 2012 - Professor Alexandra Boltasseva has been selected to take part in NAE's U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
Seventy-eight of the nation's brightest young engineers have been selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering's (NAE) 18th annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. Engineers ages 30 to 45 who are performing exceptional engineering research and technical work in a variety of disciplines will come together for the 2 1/2 day event. The participants were nominated by fellow engineers or organizations and chosen from approximately 300 applicants.
New 'metamaterial' practical for optical advances, Purdue University News Service, May 14, 2012.
Metamaterials Step Into the Light
Our recent paper on TiN as alternative plasmonic material was selected for OSA press-release.
Plasmonics and metamaterials: looking beyond gold and silver
Hyperbolic metamaterials explained in 5 minutes (video, courtesy of Leo Alekseev)
Watch a short video summarizing the topics of our research
A paper highlighted by the editors of the OSA's open-access journal Optical Materials Express: "In the fields of plasmonics and plasmonic metamaterials, reduction in metal losses is important and crucial for potential applications. It will bring the technology from the proof-of-principle research to system-qualified development. In their paper (Oxides and nitrides as alternative plasmonic materials in the optical range), Purdue University researchers Naik, Kim and Boltasseva explore the use of alternative materials such as conducting oxides and transition-metal nitrides that feature lower intrinsic absorption than conventional plasmonic metals", September, 2011.
In search of new materials, March, 2011.
New Materials Could Turn Near-Fantastic Devices like Invisibility Cloaks and Hyperlenses into Reality, February 27, 2011.
New materials may bring advanced optical technologies, cloaking, Purdue University News Service, January 21, 2011; reproduced (with modifications) in
- ScienceDaily.com, January 25, 2011
- ScienceBlog.com, January 25, 2011
- NextBigFuture.com, January 21, 2011
"Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva receives SAOT Young Researcher Award in Advanced Optical Technologies (read
more... ; still more in News and Highlights: Laser and Photonics Reviews)."
Photographs from the Award Ceremony can be seen here ...