Press coverage
December 2024
Purdue researchers tame the interplay of light and matter to build a 'playground' for novel physics, Purdue Engineering News
September 2024
An article entitled Single-Molecule-Like Aggregates in 2D Hybrid Perovskite Superlattices for Enhanced Optoelectronic Performance that highlights our research has been published on Purdue Chemical Engineering School news page.
July-September 2024
Media response to our paper Authentication through residual attention-based processing of tampered optical responses:
AI-powered optical detection to thwart counterfeit chips:
-, July 20, 2024
-, July 22, 2024
- SPIE News, July 19, 2024
-, August 2, 2024
RAPTOR Turns a Beady Eye Onto Counterfeit or Maliciously Modified Chips,, July 2024
AI-powered optical detection could tackle fake chips,, July 24, 2024
AI-assisted photonic detector identifies fake semiconductor chips,, August 20, 2024
Purdue deep-learning innovation secures semiconductors against counterfeit chips, Purdue Newsroom, September 16, 2024
May 2024
"Nobel Prize Winner visits Purdue for lecture series",, May 13, 2024March 2024
Mighty MXenes are ready for launch - Nearly 15 years after their discovery, the 2D materials are close to market. But will they find their killer app?, C&EN, March 25, 2024 - A cover story about MXenes based on interviews with M. Naguib, B. Anasori, T. Torita, A. Boltasseva, and other leading researchers in the field.September 2023
Faster than can be explained: Optical time crystals could revolutionize optics,, 2023
Purdue streak camera innovation could capture actions that last femtoseconds or less - a Purdue News article highlighting our research aimed at improving upon traditional streak cameras' performance whose time-resolution lies in the 600 to 800 femtosecond range.August 2023
Advancing Quantum Super-Resolution Imaging with Machine Learning - a Purdue ECE News article (Aug. 18, 2023) highlighting our paper Machine learning assisted quantum super-resolution microscopy.September 2021
Media response to our paper High-harmonic generation in metallic titanium nitride:Study: First observation of high-harmonic generation in robust, refractory metals:
September 2020
Media response to our paper Rapid Classification of Quantum Sources Enabled by Machine Learning:New machine learning-assisted method rapidly classifies quantum sources:
- Purdue University News, Sept. 10, 2020
August 2020
Acceleration to Hundreds of THz, 25.08.2020, (in Russian)June 2020
Media response to our paper Determining plasmonic hot-carrier energy distributions via single-molecule transport measurements:Discovery unlocks 'hot' electrons for more efficient energy use:
- Purdue News
- Indiana Ag Connection
- Michigan Ag Connection
- Power Systems Design Online
First measurement of electron energy distributions, could enable sustainable energy technologies:
- Michigan Engineering News
- PressReleasePoint
- Scienmag
- 7th Space
- Health Medicine Network
Discovery Unlocks 'Hot' Electrons for More Efficient Solar Panels:
Study of Hot Electrons Could Improve Efficiency of Energy Technology:
May 2020
Machine learning assists in the fast, efficient design of nanophotonic devices, AIP Scilight, May 29, 2020 - in response to our paper Machine-learning-assisted metasurface design for high-efficiency thermal emitter optimization
July 2019
Light may increase magnetic memory speeds 1,000 times, decrease electricity consumption, Purdue Research Foundation News.
July 2019
Still Plenty of Room at the Bottom, Opt. Phot. News. This article tied to the 60-th Anniversary of R. Feynman's visionary speech cites our work on synchrotron radiation from an accelerating light pulse.
February 01, 2019
Overcoming Doubts with Help from Advisors and Role Models,
December 2018
Single NV centers produce 30 million photons per second at room temperature, Optics and Photonics News.
November 2018
October 2018
Media response to our paper Synchrotron radiation from an accelerating light pulse:
Light-bending tech shrinks kilometers-long radiation system to millimeter scale, October 25, 2018
- Purdue News
- Science and Technology Research News
Metamaterials allow researchers to shrink a synchrotron onto a chip, Chemical & Engineering News, October 25, 2018
Researchers are developing small device that bends light to generate new radiation (in German),, October 25, 2018
U-M researchers develop small device that bends light to generate new radiation, Michigan University News, October 25, 2018
Small Device Creates Radiation from Light,, October 29, 2018
Scientists Use Metamaterial to Make Chip-Size Synchrotron:
-, November 1, 2018
-, November 1, 2018
Tiny Device Bends Light To Create Radiation:
-, November 5, 2018
-, November 6, 2018
August 2018
Media response to our paper Ultrathin and multicolour optical cavities with embedded metasurfaces:
Low bandwidth? Use more colors at once, August 16, 2018
July 2018
2018 Blavatnik Science Symposium, The New York Academy of Science (July 16-17, 2018) LIVE interview
April 21, 2018
Media response to our paper Low-loss plasmon-assisted electro-optic modulator:
Switch controls light on a nanoscale for faster information processing -
- Purdue News, April 25, 2018
-, April 25, 2018
-, April 25, 2018
-, April 25, 2018
Breaking bottlenecks to the electronic-photonic information technology revolution -
- University of Washington News, April 25, 2018
-, April 23, 2018
-, April 25, 2018
-, April 25, 2018
August 21, 2017
Purdue researchers explore new chapter of physics, Purdue News
August 2017
Faces of Photonics - social media campagn by SPIE
July 2017
Beyond Graphene: New Nanomaterials For Solar Energy, Computers, Curing Cancer And A Lot More, International Business News, National Graphene Association, Graphene Entrepreneur.February 2017
Fractals Help Graphene Detect Photons, APS News
January 20, 2017
Fractal design of graphene photodetector holds promise for photoharvesting, Smart 2.0
Snowflake-shaped electrodes boost graphene's photoabsorption, EETimes Europe
Graphene Photodetector Enhanced With Fractal Golden "Snowflake",
January 16, 2017
Graphene photodetector enhanced by fractal golden 'snowflake',
November 2015
Media response to our paper Long-range and rapid transport of individual nano-objects by a hybrid electrothermoplasmonic nanotweezer:
Nanotweezer is new tool to create advanced plasmonic technologies
- Purdue News, November 2, 2015
-, November 2, 2015
- The WorldNews Network, November 2, 2015
-, November 3, 2015
- News Locker, November 3, 2015
August 2015
A colourful future?, Nature Photonics, News & Views:
July-August 2015
Media response to our paper Epsilon-near-zero Al-doped ZnO for ultrafast switching at telecom wavelengths
Boffins have made optical transistors that can reach 4 TERAHERTZ,, August 7, 2015
'Plasmonic' material could bring ultrafast all-optical communications
-, July 31, 2015
- R&D Magazine, July 31, 2015
- Purdue News, July 30, 2015
-, July 30, 2015
March 2015
Media response to our paper All that glitters need not be gold:
Plasmonic ceramic materials key to advances in nanophotonics for extreme operational conditions
- Purdue News, March 19, 2015
-, March 19, 2015
-, March 19, 2015
-, March 19, 2015
-, March 20, 2015
-, March 20, 2015
January 20, 2015
Nanodiamonds are quantum’s best friend,*************************************************************
January 14, 2015
Diamond Defects Enhance Single-Photon Emission,
January 13, 2015
'Single-photon emission enhancement' seen as step toward quantum technologies (Purdue News) A hyperbolic metamaterial comprised of alternating layers of titanium nitride and aluminum scandium nitride has been used by the research groups of Purdue Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva to enhance the rate of single-photon emission by nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. The application areas of single-photon sources include quantum communications and quantum computing. Picked up by;
November 21, 2014
NMTI announces breakthrough solutions for HAMR nanoantenna for next-generation ultra-high density magnetic data storage. "Researchers at Nano-Meta Technologies Inc. (NMTI) in the Purdue Research Park have shown how to overcome key limitations of a material that could enable the magnetic storage industry to achieve data-recording densities far beyond today's computers. (Purdue News)."
October 2, 2014
Startup is using plasmonics to advance optical technologies, improve data-storage capabilities, solar thermophotovoltaic cell performance, Purdue Research Park News. The story was picked up by in an article Plasmonics Advances Optics, Improves Data-storage, Solar Cell Performance.
August 21, 2014
Alexandra Boltasseva is featured in Wiles Magazine's annual Hot List compiled with female engineers in a variety of fields.*************************************************************
May 2014
Advance brings 'hyperbolic metamaterials' closer to reality
- Purdue News, May 12, 2014
- Imperial Valley News, May 12, 2014
- World News, May 12, 2014
- R&D magazine, May 12, 2014
- BioPortfolio, May 12, 2014
- Nanowerk news, May 14, 2014
- Science Daily, May 14, 2014
- Physics News, May 14, 2014
- Science Newsline, May 14, 2014
New 'metamaterial' practical for optical advances, Science Daily, May 12, 2014
Hyperbolic Metamaterials Advance Practical Applications,, May 14, 2014
May 6, 2014
April 18, 2014
High-temperature plasmonics eyed for solar, computer innovation
- Purdue News, April 17, 2014
- World News, April 17, 2014
- Nanotechnology Now, April 17, 2014
- eWallStreeter, April 17, 2014
- R&D magazine, April 18, 2014
- Tech Investor News, April 18, 2014
- BioPortfolio, April 18, 2014
- PhysOrg, April 21, 2014
- Laser Focus World, April 21, 2014
February 28, 2014
Politiken - one of Denmark's leading newspapers - published an article Women and humanists rarely get Elite Researcher Awards featuring Alexandra's picture from her award's year. Since 2007, 40 prizes have been awarded but only 4 women got the prize.December 6, 2013
Alexandra Boltasseva: A Rising Star, The Institute - the member newspaper of the IEEE.
August 5, 2013
Alternative materials could bring 'plasmonic' technologies, Purdue News.
April 2, 2013
2013 MRS Outstanding Young Investigator Award Winner Alexandra Boltasseva, PhD., was interviewed by MRS TV: watch the interview.
Summer 2012
Purdue Impact Online: New 'metamaterial' practical for optical advances.
17 May 2012 Researchers Develop New Metamaterial Using Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide.
15 May 2012 New 'metamaterial' practical for optical advances.
14 May 2012 Gold- and silver-free me1tamaterial shows negative refraction in the near-IR. Purdue Marks Scientific Advances
Media response to our paper Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths- 28 March, 2012, Researchers Discover A New Path For Light Through Metal (see also
- 29 March, 2012, A New Path For Light Through Metal
- 30 March, 2012, Novel Plasmonic Material Discovered
- 30 March, 2012, EE Times India: Titanium nitride may pave way for new optoelectronic devices
1 November 2011 Magnifying biology with metamaterials.
March 2011
Nature Photonics: In search of new materials.
27 February 2011 New Materials Could Turn Near-Fantastic Devices like Invisibility Cloaks and Hyperlenses into Reality.
21 January 2011
Purdue University News Service: New materials may bring advanced optical technologies, cloaking; reproduced (with modifications) in
- Electronics Engineering Herald (online magazine), January 27, 2011
-, January 26, 2011
-, January 26, 2011
- SYFY News, January 26, 2011
-, January 25, 2011
-, January 25, 2011
-, January 25, 2011
- R&D Magazine, January 24, 2011
- (Technology Marketing Corporation), January 22, 2011
-, January 21, 2011
November 2010
SPIE Newsroom: Identifying low-loss plasmonic materials
July 2009
News and Highlights: Laser and Photonics Reviews - "The SAOT Young Researcher Award in Advanced Optical Technologies has been granted to Alexandra Boltasseva ... "*************************************************************
April 2008
Article in Politiken (in Danish) about Alexandra Boltasseva in connection with the Elite-Researcher's Award. By Mette Iversen and Jacob S. Pedersen.
19 February 2008
Article in Børsen (in Danish) about Alexandra Boltasseva in connection with the Elite-Researcher's Award. Article by Niels Barfod.
1 February 2008 Article in Ingeniøren (in Danish)
Article in the Danish newspaper "Ingeniøren" about Alexandra Boltasseva's career choice in connection with the Elite-Researcher's Award. Article by Lene Wessel, photos by Lars Bech (DAS BURO).
24 January 2008 Ung Eliteforskerpris (in Danish)
Young Elite-Researcher's Award DIPLOMA
Alexandra Boltasseva receives the Danish Independent Research Councils' Young Elite-Researcher's Award (Ung Eliteforskerpris) for the recently granted Research Project "On-Chip Nano-Imaging Using Superlens (NanoMIUS)" (2007-2010).
The "Elite-Researcher" initiative's goal is to add visibility and to reward some of the best young researchers. Every year, the Danish Independent Research Councils' awards go to about 20 young researchers from all fields (ranging from social sciences and humanities to natural sciences and engineering). Alexandra Boltasseva got the Danish Independent Research Councils' Young Researchers Award (Ung Eliteforskerpris).

Photos from the award ceremony:
(All photos by Tariq Mikkel Khan/POLFOTO)
Group photo with H.K.H. Kronprinssesse Mary
7 December 2007 Article in Ingeniøren (in Danish)
Article in the Danish newspaper "Ingeniøren" about the superlens project.*************************************************************
Pressemeddelelse 21. November 2007 Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen (in Danish)
Fri forskning giver plads til de gode ideer.
En effektiv og billig vaccine mod hvepseallergi og en superlinse, der kan "se" processerne i levende celler. Dét er perspektiverne i to af de projekter, som Forskningsrådet for Teknologi og Produktion har støttet i 2007.
Eksemplerne viser, at Forskningsrådet for Teknologi og Produktions bevillinger gør en forskel: Forskerne får øje på en udfordring og en problemstilling og med deres ekspertise kommer de med nye og anderledes bud på en løsning.
Der er dog altid en risiko for, at projekterne ikke fører til de ønskede resultater. "Sådan er forskningens vilkår. Omvendt - når det lykkes - står vi måske med et forskningsmæssigt gennembrud," siger professor, Marcel A. J. Somers, formand for Forskningsrådet for Teknologi og Produktion (FTP).
Havde de to projekter ikke fået støtte fra FTP, var de nok ikke kommet i gang, forklarer FTP's formand. Den type forskning har svæyrt ved at finde finansiering. Som de øvrige fire råd under Det Frie Forskningsråd stiller FTP nemlig ikke krav om, at forskningen skal ligge inden for strategisk fastlagte forskningsomrder. Forskningen støttes alene, fordi den er nyskabende og i international topklasse.
En af to eksempler på forskningsprojekter, der har fået støtte fra FTP:
Superlinse kan hjælpe til bivirkningsfri medicin
Hidtil har man ikke kunnet fotografere celleprocesser uden at gribe ind i dem. Men med en superlinse, der kan afbilde celleprocesserne uden indgriben, vil man f.eks. kunne afdække, hvordan processerne i syge celler adskiller sig fra raske eller se, hvordan medicin påvirker cellen. Dermed kan man udvikle medicin, som er målrettet de syge celler og derfor uden bivirkninger.
Superlinse, der kan "se" processerne i levende celler
I de seneste år er det lykkedes forskere at udvikle særlige optiske teknikker, så man kan afbilde proteiner, enzymer og andre nano-små molekyler - i størrelsesordenen 5-10 milliontedele millimeter.
I dag kan det imidlertid kun lade sig gøre ved at anbringe linsen - en optisk fiber - så tæt på objektet, at den næsten rører ved det. Det betyder for eksempel, at man er nødt til at trænge ind i en celle, hvis man vil fotografere, hvad der foregår inde i den. Man forstyrrer dermed cellen og kan med andre ord ikke optage en realistisk "film" af processerne inde i en levende celle.
Men ny viden tyder på, at det er muligt at udvikle en superlinse, som kan afbilde detaljer i en celles indre, selvom linsen placeres uden for cellen og ikke rører ved denne - og altså ikke forstyrrer celleprocesserne.
FTP har derfor givet en bevilling på 4,2 mio. kr. til adjunkt, ph.d. Alexandra Boltasseva, som vil udforske mulighederne for at udvikle en sådan superlinse.
Hvis det lykkes, vil man for første gang nogensinde kunne se, hvad der reelt foregår på nanoskopisk niveau i en levende celle. Dét kan for eksempel bruges til at afdække, hvordan processerne i syge celler adskiller sig fra de raske. Eller til at identificere præcist, hvad der sker, når medicin påvirker cellen. Det giver et enestående grundlag for at udvikle medicin, der er præcist målrettet mod de syge processer - altså effektiv medicin uden bivirkninger.
Yderligere oplysninger om projektet On-Chip Nano-Imaging Using Superlens NanoMIUS: adjunkt, ph.d. Alexandra Boltasseva, DTU Fotonik, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, telefon: 45 25 63 68, e-mail:
Yderligere oplysninger om projektet On-Chip Nano-Imaging Using Superlens NanoMIUS: adjunkt, ph.d. Alexandra Boltasseva, DTU Fotonik, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, telefon: 45 25 63 68, e-mail:
"8 Forskerhistorier 2006" (in Danish)
Year-report from the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences (FTP) highlighting 8 granted research projects every year.