New Articles

New Articles

Author: Jason Morphew
Event Date: March 3, 2023
Our research team has published several new articles this year.

Morphew, J. W., Lopez, R., Bralin, A., Subramaniam, R. C., Rebello, S. & Rebello, C. (2023). Integrated STEM: Impact of Engineering Design and Computer Science in STEM Labs. In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual STEM Education Conference. West Lafayette, IN, January 12. DOI: 10.5703/1288284317601.


Kaufman-Ortiz, K., Morphew, J. W., Rebello, N. S., & Rebello, C. M. (2022). Case study on engineering design intervention in physics laboratories. In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. Minneapolis, MN, June 26-29.