Sung Geun Kim's Biography
SungGeun Kim received his Bachelor Degree in Ajou University in 2001 and Master degree in GIST(GwangJu Institute of Science and Technology)
SungGeun joined the Klimeck research group in August 2007.
SungGeun's research is focused on the modeling and simulation of nanoscale transistor. He is using NEMO5 and OMEN as primary vehicles for modeling and simulation.
SungGeun has a personal webpage and a contributor web page on
During his tenure in the Klimeck group he worked on the following research projects:
- NEMO5 Applications
- Graphene nanomesh transistors
- Bandgap calculation for comparison with experimental work (X. Liang, NanoLett2010)[C365]
- Collaboration with Dr. Jihong's group at Purdue University
- Graphene nanoribbon/III-V Tunneling transistors
- Collaboration with Dr. Jena's group and Dr. Seabaugh's group at University of NotreDame [OMEN].
- Effects of edge roughness on Mobility in graphene
- Quantum corrections to drift-diffusion
- OMEN Applications/Development
- Influences of interface roughness scattering in silicon nanowire transistors on current, mobility. transmission and electron density[C_2010_10][J_2011_2][C_2011_8], and cut-off frequency[J_2011_28],[C_2011_24] in silicon nanowire FETs.
- Local roughness effects on current characteristics in silicon nanowire FETs
- OMEN Nanowire Tool Development
- Atomistic simulation tool development for nanowire field effect transistors: The tool OMEN Nanowire is a graphical user interface using the full-band quantum transport simulator OMEN. Various types/dimensions of nanowires can be simulated through OMEN Nanowire. It has served more than 590 users around the world. The OMEN Nanowire extended its functionaltiy to simulatie Ge and III-V semiconductor nanowires
- OMEN Nanowire: Time/memory estimation for various size of silicon nanowires
MuGFET Tool Development/Applications
- Drift Diffusion simulation tool development for multiGate field effect transistors (MuGFET). [C_2008_7][C_2008_25]: The tool MuGFET is developed based on drift-diffusion simulator PADRE and PROPHET and published on nanoHUB. It is well-documented and served more than 380 users.
- MuGFET has been validated against experimental data and used to study short channel effects and Guassian doping profile