The second part of the third objective created by the organization is the mentoring of new graduate students once they are admitted. To meet this objective, the organization will select current ABE graduate students to act as mentors for new students and provide them with planned activities. The Vice President is in charge of the mentoring program.
Selection of Mentors
The strength of a good mentoring program lies in the hands of the mentors. To ensure a successful program, mentors will be carefully selected and matched with their respective mentees. Near the beginning of the spring semester, current ABE graduate students will be notified of the program and the requirements for being a mentor. If interested, their names and information will be collected and stored in a notebook of potential mentors. As new students are admitted, they will fill out an informational survey and the current officers will match them with the most compatible mentor(s).
Requirement of Mentors/Mentees
Mentors will be expected to devote a fair amount of time to their mentee and the mentoring program. Weekly communication, at least by email, is encouraged for both parties. Mentors will be asked to provide their mentee with information on academic issues, ranging from how to enroll to what courses or professors to avoid. Moreover, mentors are expected to provide their mentee with information on life as a graduate student at Purdue, ranging from how to make the best of your time as a graduate student to the best places to eat or live. The mentors are also expected to encourage participation in the ABE Graduate Student Association, especially by inviting their mentees to events with them. In addition, mentors and mentees will be encouraged to attend the scheduled mentoring activities.
Welcome Packet and Sign-up Form (at admittance)
Prior to the start of the mentoring program, current graduate students, faculty, and staff will be asked to provide information that someone new to graduate school, Purdue, and the West Lafayette area would benefit from. This includes housing and travel information, what to do upon arrival at Purdue, basics about the ABE department, etc. It will also include information about the ABE Graduate Student Association, and the mentoring program, including a sign up form. Working with the graduate secretary, Kathy Brewer, these packets will be distributed to the new graduate students upon their admittance. After the informational sign up forms are returned, the mentors will be matched to their mentees and asked to contact their mentees and introduce themselves.
Examples of Past Mentoring Events:
Social (first week of school)
During the first week of school, a social will be hosted by the ABE GSA for all new students to allow the mentors and mentees to meet in person if they haven’t done so already. This will also act as a callout for ABE GSA.
Coffee Meetings
Meetings over coffee are a yearlong opportunity for mentors and mentees to meet up and network face to face.
Bowling Social
Each year, a bowling social is hosted by ABE GSA for the mentoring teams. This will promote social interactions amongst the mentoring teams as well as provide some friendly competition.
Networking Mixer and Selection of Top Mentoring Team (end of Spring semester)
The academic year will conclude with a networking mixer for the mentoring teams held in conjunction with the poster session. At this mixer, the most successful mentoring team will be announced and awarded a dinner on behalf of ABE GSA. This team will be selected by the officer team based on time and effort put into the program and feedback from both the mentor and mentee
Further information for new graduate students: