
Principal Investigator

Tyler Tallman
Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Dr. Tyler N. Tallman is an Associate Professor in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University. He earned BS degrees in physics and engineering mechanics from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and the University of Wisconsin, respectively, in 2010. He earned his MS in 2012 and PhD in 2015, both in mechanical engineering and from the University of Michigan. Dr. Tallman's research interests exist at the intersection of multifunctional materials, embedded sensing, and inverse problems, areas in which he has authored or co-authored over 100 combined journal papers, conference proceedings, abstracts, and patents. His research contributions have been recognized by winning the AFOSR YIP Award, the NSF CAREER Award, and several best paper awards from ASME in addition to serving as an associate editor for the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Dr. Tallman is also a passionate educator. He has won the Elmer F. Bruhn and W. A. Gustafson teaching awards from the Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Faculty Excellence Award in Early Career Teaching from the Purdue University College of Engineering.

Faculty Profile, Google Scholar, and CV

Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

Lab Alumni

Julio Hernandez, PhD 2023
Jassimran Arora, MSAA 2023
Corey O'Brien, BSAA 2022
Yuhao Wen, MSAA 2022
Monica Sannamani, MSAA 2021
Rajan Jain, MSAA 2021
Hashim Hassan, PhD 2021
Monica Viz, BSAA 2021
Haoyang Liu, BSME 2021
Goon Mo Koo, PhD 2020
Benny Mardiks, BSAA 2020
Ishan Karnik, MSAA 2020
Akshay Jacob Thomas, MSAA 2019