Research Machining Services
As one of the largest machine shops at Purdue, Research Machining Services (RMS) enables you to create prototypes, design and build custom components, and produce the parts you need when you need them. Welding, cutting, drilling, grinding: no one knows metal better than Research Machining Services.
We welcome all Purdue projects, big and small: whether you need a short production run of a custom component, or a massive fabrication for an experimental setup. When you need a lathe with a 27-inch chuck, or a circular Blanchard grinder, we have the equipment and the expertise to bring your projects to life.
Research Machining Services
694 S. Russell St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2121
Phone: 765-494-3710
Fax: 765-496-1248
Services | Raw Materials | Work Request | Contact Us
Services We Offer
Machining and Welding
Our standard machining equipment capabilities are only limited by the imagination of our expert machinists and the level of difficulty your project requires. Our welding and fabricating expert can recommend specific alloys and methods for completing your job or repairing your equipment which leaves you with strong and durable products.
Design and Drafting
Research Machining Services is able to handle your project from concept to completion, or anywhere in between, delivering professional results. Our expert Design and Drafting staff have the experience to know what works and what does not. They can also research and recommend innovative design solutions to meet the requirements of your project.
R&D Prototyping to Small Production Runs
Research Machining Services is set up to expedite the production of Research and Development (R&D) prototyping and small production runs. Our friendly, personalized services and fast turn around time are the result of our extensive experience in the design and manufacturing of new and innovative products. Our experienced designers and machinists will work with you to ensure that your machining requirements and specifications are appropriate for your job, and make design suggestions to help keep the overall cost of your project to a minimum. Our high rate of success and getting the job done right translates into significant savings, giving you the results you need on time and with no surprises.
Full list of machines available at RMS > > >

- Welding: GMAW GTAW SMAW MIG TIG ARC, .048 inch up
- Brazing
- 2 vertical milling machines with Prototrak controls, 32 X 16 Y capacity
- 2 vertical manual milling machines, 32 X 16 Y capacity
- Large radial drill
- Clausing lathe, 17 inch swing, 8 foot centers
- Monarch lathe, 27 inch swing, 10 foot centers
- LeBlond lathe, 16 inch swing, 24 inch centers
- Monarch 10EE lathe, 12 inch swing, 16 inch centers
- Press brake, 1/8 inch mild steel up to 8 feet, 1/2 inch mild steel up to 3 feet
- 150 ton hydraulic press
- Surface grinder, 12 x 24 capacity
- Shear 1/2 inch mild steel up to 8 feet
- Blanchard grinder, up to 30 inches
- Vertical band saw, up to 26 inches
- Slip Roll, various up to 5/16" mild steel by 4 feet
- Plasma cutting, up to 1-1/4" steel
- Spot welding, up to 1/16" steel
Materials and Hardware
Research Machining Services maintains a diverse inventory of the most common alloys of steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and brass in standard material sizes and structural shapes. For the convenience of our customers, we sell our materials cut to size or in full stock lengths in both small and large quantities. Most orders can be ready for pickup or delivery the day after the request is made. If we do not stock your desired material, in many cases we can expedite your request in one week or less, including orders of exotic alloys, plastics and polymers, unusual sizes, and structural shapes. Research Machining Services also stocks a wide variety of hardware available immediately in small quantities. If requested, we can expedite any quantity of hardware and have it ready for pickup the next day.
More details on ordering raw materials from Research Machining Services (PDF)
Work Request
To request work from Research Machining Services, please fill out either of these forms:
RMS Work Order (Excel) | RMS Work Order (PDF)
Check at upper left of the form whether this is a "Request for Estimate" or if work is to be done and we have "Approval to proceed" with the work.
Fill in the following information:
- Department name
- Contact name
- Phone number (if we have questions)
- E-mail address (if we have questions)
- Date the order is given
- Date required (requested time of completion)
- Professor’s name or Principal Investigator's name (if for an academic department)
If work is to be done on a Work Breakdown Structure Elements (WBSE) Number, please include that 17-digit number (F.XXXXXXXX.XX.XXX). If work is to be done on an Internal Order Number, please include the 10-digit Internal Order Number.
If this is Physical Facilities work, use either a PM Work Order Number (9XXXXXXXXX) or a ID Number.
If you are a Purdue club or organization with a Purdue Business Partner number, use that instead of the WBSE/Internal Order
Get approval from your department's Business Office, both signature and printed name please. Also include their phone number. Note: the only exception to this requirement is when a Physical Facilities group is using a PM Work Order Number assigned by the Plant Maintenance System, then this signature is not needed.
In the "Description of Work to be Performed," describe in words and/or drawings what work is to be done. Include type of material (steel, aluminum, brass, etc.), and quantity needed. Attach drawings to the form if needed.
Print out the completed form and obtain Business Office signatures (if required). Deliver to Research Machining Services in person, by campus mail, fax to 765-496-1248, or e-mail to
Contact us if you have any questions!
Contact us, or visit today!
We are located south of Discovery Park, in the ADM Agricultural Innovation building across from the Purdue Surplus Store.

Research Machining Services
694 S. Russell St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2121
Phone: 765-494-3710
Fax: 765-496-1248
Open Monday-Friday, 7:30-11:30 and 12:00-4:00