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Barb Shinn-Cunningham presents the 2022 Distinguished M.D. Steer Lecture in SLHS

Thank you to everyone who attended this year's M. D. Steer Distinguished Lecture Series in SLHS this afternoon with guest lecturer Dr. Barbara Shinn-Cunningham. We had a great turnout and thoroughly enjoyed her talk "Why does hearing loss sabotage communication in lively social settings?" Thank you Dr. Shinn-Cunningham for a wonderful lecture this year!

Ravinderjit (Rav) Singh successfully defends his PhD!!

Congratulations to former TPAN T32 fellow Ravinderjit (Rav) Singh for successfully defending his PhD dissertation, entitled "Auditory tracking and scene analysis - perceptual timescales and neural correlates." Rav will be returning to IU School of Medicine in April to start his 3rd year there on his way to becoming a clinical scientist.

Satya's Paper Featured in Journal of Neuroscience

Congrats to Satyabrata Parida for having his PhD dissertation paper on the severe effects of distorted tonotopy on speech coding featured in the "This Week" section of the Journal of Neuroscience.

Welcome to the Heinz Lab!

The Auditory Neurophysiology and Modeling Lab coordinates the use of neurophysiology, psychoacoustics, and computational modeling to extend our understanding of the different types of neural and perceptual hearing loss. By using a multidisciplinary approach, we are able to focus our lens to various depths of auditory perception and hearing science— essentially anywhere from the cochlea in the auditory periphery all the way up through the central nervous system. We are currently working on understanding the basic science of neural correlates underlying auditory perception, while also investigating translational approaches to diagnosing different types of cochlear damage to dissect the clinical category of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). 


Our research team is diverse; in addition to auditory neurophysiology our lab members have training in engineering, audiology, animal sciences, biology, medicine, and even music. The knowledge derived for our work has been and continues to be useful in evaluating the limitations of current hearing aids, and for suggesting novel strategies for hearing aids and cochlear implants. At Purdue, our lab collaborates extensively with the Systems Neuroscience of Auditory Perception Laboratory, the Department of Speech Language, & Hearing Sciences, the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, and the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience. We also collaborate with many labs outside Purdue.