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Understanding the physiological roles of MOC efferent pathways for hearing in noise
(PI: A. Farhadi; Sponsor: M. Heinz), F32 grant from NIH (NICDC,F32DC022782), January 2025- December 2027.
Effect of Sensorineural Hearing Loss on Robust Speech Coding
(Co-PIs: M. Heinz, H. Bharadwaj), R01 grant from NIH (NICDC,R01-DC009838), July 2023- Aug 2028.
Cross-species characterization of peripheral and central effects of occupational and blast exposures: Towards a diagnostic and therapeutic testing framework
(Co-PIs: M. Heinz, E. Bartlett, H. Bharadwaj), CDMRP grant from DoD (CDMRP, W81XWH-21-1-0829), Sept 2021 - Aug 2025.
Open Source Hearing Assessment System for Open Science
(PI: M. Heinz, co-PIs at Purdue: Ananth Grama, Josh Alexander; PI at Creare: Odile Clavier), R44 grant from NIH (NIDCD,R44-DC021123) , January 2024,December 2027
Data-Driven Cross-Species Auditory Neuroscience for Accessible Mechanistic Precision Audiology
(PI: Michael Heinz ,co-PIs, Grama, Bartlett, Simpson, Shader, Alexander), Purdue Office of Research Provost Office: Purdue Life and Health Sciences Summit Award, January 2024,December 2025
Place and Time Processing of Pitch in the Context of Cochlear Dysfunction
(PI: A. Sivaprakasam; Sponsor: M. Heinz; Co-SponosorS: H. Bharadwaj, R. Nelson), F30 grant from NIH (NIDCD, F30-DC020916), January 2023 - December 2025.
Individualized Profiles of Sensorineural Hearing Loss from Non-Invasive Biomarkers of Peripheral Pathology
(PI: S. Hauser; Sponsor: M. Heinz; Co-Sponosor: H. Bharadwaj), F32 grant from NIH (NIDCD, F32-DC021345), September 2023 - August 2025.
Interdisciplinary Training in Auditory Neuroscience
(Co-PIs: D. Fekete and M. Heinz), T32 grant from NIH (NIDCD,T32-DC016853) , July 2018 - June 2028.



Data-science infrastructure for precision auditory neuroscience, Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience
(Co-PIs: M. Heinz, H. Bharadwaj, M. Adibuzzaman), Grand Challenges in Neuroscience Grant, March 2020 - June 2022.
Individualized assays of supra-threshold hearing deficits
(PI: H. Bharadwaj; Role: Co-Investigator), R01 grant from NIH (NIDCD), March 2017 - Aug 2024.
Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Speech Intelligibility in Noise - A Quantitative Framework
(PI: V. Viswanathan; Sponsor: M. Heinz; Co-Sponosor: B. Shinn-Cunningham), F31 grant from NIH (NIDCD), September 2018 - August 2021.
Effects of sensorineural hearing loss on robust speech coding
(PI: M. Heinz), R01 grant from NIH (NIDCD), December 2014 - June 2021.
Temporal effects in simultaneous masking, forward masking and suppression
(PI: E. Strickland; Role: Co-Investigator), R01 grant from NIH (NIDCD), April 2016 - March 2021.
Physiological evaluation of the signal-to-noise envelope power ratio with sensorineural hearing loss: Implications for speech intelligibility
(PI: M. Heinz), International Project Grant from Action on Hearing Loss (UK), March 2015 - March 2018.
Shared multi-user microscope for SLHS research.
Purdue Office of the Provost, Major Scientific Equipment Program, July 2016 - June 2017.
Connecting laboratory and clinical auditory neuroscience at Purdue: Non-invasive assays of cochlear synaptopathy
Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience, Seed Funding Program, July 2016 - June 2017.
Behavioral testing for hidden hearing loss in chinchillas: Towards human diagnostics
(co-PIs: A. Hickox and M. Heinz), Grant-in-aid from American Hearing Research Foundation, January 2014 - December 2014
Effects of sensorineural hearing loss on robust speech coding
(PI: M. Heinz), R01 grant from NIH (NIDCD), September 2009 - November 2014.
Effects of noise-induced and metabolic hearing losses on temporal coding in noise
(PI: K. Henry), Individual F32 National Research Service Award
Postdoctoral Fellowship from NIH (NIDCD), January 2012 - August 2013
Temporal effects in forward masking, suppression, and simultaneous masking
(PI: E. Strickland), R01 grant from NIH (NIDCD), March 2008 - February 2015.
Effects of hearing aid amplification on robust speech coding
(PI: J. Boley), Individual F31 National Research Service Award
Predoctoral Fellowship from NIH (NIDCD), January 2010 - December 2011
Neural Coding of Envelope and Fine Structure in Noise Degraded Speech 
(PI: M. Heinz), Purdue Research Foundation, Graduate Student Research Grant (Jayaganesh Swaminathan), June 2009 - May 2010.
The effects of noise-induced hearing loss on across-fiber temporal coding in the auditory nerve
(PI: M. Heinz), Grant-in-Aid from National Organization for Hearing Research Foundation, February 2009 - January 2010
Effects of sensorineural loss on robust speech coding
(PI: M. Heinz), R03 grant from NIH (NIDCD), December 2004 - November 2009
The effects of selective hair-cell damage on temporal envelope coding in the auditory nerve
(PI: M. Heinz), Grant-in-aid from American Hearing Research Foundation, January 2008 - December 2008