City of West Lafayette Climate Action Planning

The National Climate Assessment (NCA) provides a high-level analysis of climate science and the probable impacts of climate change. The NCA includes regional scale assessments and guidelines for mitigation, adaptation, and decision making. It has been demonstrated that some of the most effective actions for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are planned and implemented by communities at the local scale. Mayor John Dennis is one of 359 US mayors to sign on to the Mayor’s Climate Agreement, pledging to honor and uphold the tenets of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. In July 2017, the West Lafayette City Council unanimously supported Resolution NO. 10-17, affirming West Lafayette’s commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.

The student team will assemble appropriate data and complete a GHG inventory for the City of West Lafayette that will support the development of an action plan for climate adaptation and mitigation.


Senior Design Team update:

The West Lafayette Climate Action Plan team is working with the Go Greener Commission of Greater Lafayette to collect and analyze greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from the West Lafayette city departments. The team has collected energy and fuel usage data from each department and is working with the city and the Go Greener Commission to formulate goals for the city to reduce GHG emissions moving forward. We are also working to create a marketing plan to share this data and our final climate action plan with the residents of West Lafayette. We are excited to continue working alongside our city partners and create a final plan that will help the city become a sustainability leader in the state.